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The Best Twilights of (LP)

  • Cat No: CAM027
  • updated:2024-11-05

彼岸のラヴァーズロックを掲げるレゲエバンドLove Wonderlandによるマジカル・ドリームポップ・メディテーショナル、不思議、エキゾチックなダブが一際異才を放つ一枚。「Forever Young Boy」「君の世界」「Happy Days」の過去3枚のデモEPからの選曲されたアルバムが遂に登場。フランス〈Camisole Records〉よりリリース作品。

サイケデリック、シンセポップを独自の解釈で曲作りを行うLove Wonderlandですが従来のダブ・シンセポップとは一際かけ離れた新たな音楽が誕生しています。トラックリストからも試聴できます。 (hamon)

Love Wonderland - The Best Twilights of Love Wonderland (CAM027)

Formed in 2018 by Takujuro Iwade, film director and drummer Kaya Koike and Mayumi Sakurai with the theme of " Lovers Rock from the other side," Love Wonderland performs reggae with a unique interpretation influenced by psychedelia and synth-pop.

The Best Twilights LP compiles tracks from three demos released between 2019 and 2024 and reflects their full spectrum from electronic dub to pop tinted reinterpretation of their peers.
Considered as the best kept secret of the Japanese dub scene, they continue to grow at each live performance with faith and passion.
Love Wonderland's main aspiration is to keep their motto alive.

Mastered by Krikor Kouchain and limited to 400 copies.

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