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Gator Boots Vol. 20

  • Cat No: GB20
  • updated:2024-12-12


12inch ---- JPY

Soul Clap Records によるリエディットレーベル〈Gator Boots〉からJKrivによるエディット12インチ。アフリカン、アフロ・ラテン的ないなためユニークな曲に混ざって、ANGELIQUE KIDJOの「BATONGA」(sample1)もエディットしてます。いい曲!

A1はアフリカ北西沖の島国カーボベルデのCabo Verde Showというグループの「Valsadeira」。Zoukにもつうじるようなカリビアン、アフリカン、望郷感と、ライトな打ち込みの80sのアーバン・歌謡ディスコにもつうじるチージーなファンタジー感が絶妙な曲で幕開けます。B2には、A HUNDRED BIRDのカバーでもお馴染みのANGELIQUE KIDJOの「Batonga」をエディット(sample1)しています! (サイトウ)

DJ Support: Soul Clap, Antal, Mendel, Justin Carter, Renata do Valle Trepanado, Jacques Renault, Tigerbalm, Pabels, Megatronic, Peter Croce

“Valsadeira” is a pulsing uptempo excursion from the African island nation of Cabo Verde, with driving percussion, impassioned vocals, and tasty synth work. Sung in Portuguese, the track begins on a romantic note which builds toward a dramatic flip halfway through that gives way to a hypnotic tropical vamp. The drum tool extends the rhythmic breaks of the song into a useful standalone percussion jam. Odo Kakra Sika Kakra is a bouncy and joyous slice of Ghanaian highlife. With crisp 90s-era production and sweet vocal melodies, JKriv edited this one with love for maximum booty shaking and smiles. "Batonga" is a mid tempo slice of Afrofunk with a mid 1980s downtown NYC feel, led by angular and funky guitars, layered synths, and a female vocal with African chants. The drum break features a textured beat including big electronic drums, percussions and an interlocking kalimba line.

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