• 12inch
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Perilous Joy EP

  • Cat No: SEMID019
  • updated:2024-08-22


12inch ---- JPY

Semi Deliciousから主宰のDemi Riquisimoのニューリリース!

Semi Deliciousを拠点に、サブレーベルA〈 Lifetime On The Hips〉やDiploが新設したHigher Groundからもリリースするなど勢いの止まらないDemi Riquisimo。オールド・スクール感、グイグイとドープなベースライン、煽るビート、イリュージョニックなシンセ、華やかさとマッドさ、サイケデリックなハウス・パーティー・チューン。 (サイトウ)

DJ Support: Saorise, Moxie and Niks

Semi Delicious return for their 19th edition via label head Demi Riquisimo’s ‘Perilous Joy’ EP.

The 5 track release effortlessly meshes the classic influences synonymous with the Semi Delicious sound whist maintaining a forward thinking approach to the dance floor.

The A-side consists of ‘Sinewinder’ & ‘Direct Fix’. A pair of four to four tools that can be noted for their functionality as much as their unique sound. ‘Sinewinder’ being a more diva, big room affected track and ‘Direct Fix’ airing on the side of deepness with a head turning bass line. The flip kicks off with the title track ‘Perilous Joy’ which offers a nod to the sonics of dreamy, progressive Italian house of yesteryear. Up next is ‘Thyme After Time’ and with it more psychedelic house deepness. Demi slows the pace on the balearic chugger Autoglide’ to close out yet another impressive outing for one of 2024’s most talked about imprints.

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