• 12inch
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  • Cat No: BST-X102
  • updated:2025-01-29


12inch 3390 JPY

ファミリーバンドAPOTEOSI aka SANDWICHとしてイタロプログレ界に名を轟かせたIDÀ兄弟によるアナザープロジェクトTHE ZOMBIESの唯一作品であり超級入手困難品「Zombi」(1979)が初の公式&12インチで復刻!眩暈のようなスペースシンセと剽軽なボーカルは一度耳にすると離れぬ中毒性、イタロエレクトロニックファンク秘宝。

BLUE GAS,ADOLF STERN,G.A.N.G.など数多くのイタロディスコを発掘・復刻してきた〈BEST RECORD ITALY〉の大仕事!オリジナル7インチは中古市場で見かけることも難しい一枚。FEDERICO IDÀとMASSIMO IDÀからなる兄弟ユニットTHE ZOMBIESの唯一シングルが遂にライセンスリイシュー。ベースとシンセのユニゾンに覚醒的コズミックシンセショット、ふざけたボーカルが遊び心たっぷりな電子ブギーファンク「Zombi」(sample1)。ベテランMASSIMO BERARDIの手によりロングエディットされたリミックスも内容した嬉しい12インチでの復刻です! (Akie)

Track List

  • A1. Zombi (Massimo Berardi Edit)

  • A2. Zombi (Single Version)

  • B1. In The Land Of Zombi (Massimo Berardi Edit)

  • B2. In The Land Of Zombi (Single Version)

It's difficult to ''label'' the songs of this necessary official reissue (after the shameful fake of 10 years ago). ''Zombi'' and ''In the Land of the Zombi'' are two electro disco-funks from 1979, therefore from 3 years before the ''Italo-Disco'' style, more powerful, aggressive and electronic than the ''Made in Italy'' of the 2nd half 70s (Fratelli La Bionda, Pino Presti, Claudio Simonetti, Celso Valli and others..

The original 7" by musician and bandleader Salvatore Idà, - to whom this 12inch reissue is dedicated - was a sort of game for the authors Federico and Massimo Idà, protagonists 4 years before of the Italian progressive rock scene with Silvana Idà, Marcello Surace and Franco Vinci with the immeasurable album ''Apoteosi''.

So The Zombies were destined to pair with another easy '79 joke by the Idà brothers: ''Let's Go'' and ''Mustang'' by Sandwich, also reissued on 12inch by Best Record Italy.

The Zombies comes out with the original artwork in a full embossed picture sleeve and the record released in the classic black vinyl and on red vinyl with black shades (limited edition with red copies numbered manually (1/250: 2/250 and so on...).

What else to add except that: the two long versions of ''Zombi'' and ''In the Land of the Zombi'' were re-edited by Massimo Berardi, always diligent and active, as well as tidy and aware of where he was putting his hands, are fundamental in order to complete this 12" fully remastered by Dom Scuteri.

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