- 12inch
- Recommended =
- New Release
The Mole
High Dreams
Circus Company
- Cat No: ccs133
- updated:2024-10-27
カナダ、Mathew Jonsonたちとともに登場し、20年以上にわたり一線で活躍してきたThe Mole、Colin de la PlanteのニューリリースがCircus Companyから。PEPE BRADOCKのようにカテゴライズ不能、プログレッシヴ、ダブ、リズムサイエンス。カオス、しかしグルーヴは着実に進行してくエレクトロニック・ダンス・ミュージックの冒険。2024。
Track List
New music by The Mole. High Dreams contains four tracks, three originals and one remix from Circus Company favourite Dave Aju. The Mole savours dreaming and welcomes the mystical landscapes of
the mind with High Dreams, a collection of uptempo dance pieces inhabited by ghosts and welcoming creatures from the deeps. This unpretentious collection cuts straight with the rhythms, and carries long with the arrangements. Dancefloor sizzle. Subsonic rumble. Ghosts! Your body moving requisites lie within this simple plate of wax. Turn up your amps and bathe in it.
The Mole is known for his “hits” (Baby You’re The One, Hippy Speedball, In My Song, Lockdown Party) and his “work” with many Top labels (Perlon, Kompakt, Wagon Repair, Maybe Tomorrow, Ostgut Ton) is played by many Top DJs. Only his third release with Circus Company (Little Sunshine, The River Widens), this Ep is a reminder that the Mole is still at it, and a warning. There’s a new album upcoming.
And it sounds nothing like this…
With his 19th release with the label since 2003, Dave Aju is one of the pillars of modern Circus Company. Aju amplifies Losing Track, adding percussion and fresh, modern programming, giving the remix a whole new purpose while maintaining the erie cries, calling out, desperate - don’t leave me hang ’n … of the original. A certain go to for the Deep Heads.
the mind with High Dreams, a collection of uptempo dance pieces inhabited by ghosts and welcoming creatures from the deeps. This unpretentious collection cuts straight with the rhythms, and carries long with the arrangements. Dancefloor sizzle. Subsonic rumble. Ghosts! Your body moving requisites lie within this simple plate of wax. Turn up your amps and bathe in it.
The Mole is known for his “hits” (Baby You’re The One, Hippy Speedball, In My Song, Lockdown Party) and his “work” with many Top labels (Perlon, Kompakt, Wagon Repair, Maybe Tomorrow, Ostgut Ton) is played by many Top DJs. Only his third release with Circus Company (Little Sunshine, The River Widens), this Ep is a reminder that the Mole is still at it, and a warning. There’s a new album upcoming.
And it sounds nothing like this…
With his 19th release with the label since 2003, Dave Aju is one of the pillars of modern Circus Company. Aju amplifies Losing Track, adding percussion and fresh, modern programming, giving the remix a whole new purpose while maintaining the erie cries, calling out, desperate - don’t leave me hang ’n … of the original. A certain go to for the Deep Heads.
Cobblestone Jazz とのコラボレーションやDEDBEATとのコラボレーションを経て単独ではSOUND OF |VASTからの2021年のリリース以来のリリースとなる12インチ。今作でもA2では、Danuel Tate(Cobblestone Jazz)、 C.Z. Wangとのプロジェクトなどで活動するJoli Bたち友人をフィーチャリンク。 Dave Ajuのドープ、クレイジーなリミックスを収録しています。 (サイトウ)