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Suite for Chick feat. Pong Nakornchai

  • Cat No: NUNS066V
  • updated:2024-12-20


12inch ---- JPY

UKノッティンガムのアンダーグラウンド・ハウス/馬レアリック・シーンから派生し、現在はバリ島やイビザをベースに展開しているNuNorthern Soulから、オランダのシーンで活動し、現在はバンコクを拠点とするマールテン・ゲーテアのアルバム。チック・コリアへのオマージュ「チックのための組曲」。

モダンジャズの旗手ドラマーPong Nakornchaiをフィーチャリング。「マイルスをエレクトリック・フュージョンの時代へと導いた最も重要なミュージシャンの一人」チック・コリアへのオマージュ。Wurlitzerや Moog 、ARP Rhodesなどの電子ピアノ、シンセサイザーとドラムが生み出す魅惑のサウンド。 (サイトウ)

Suite For Chick is a heartfelt Homage to the late Jazz Maestro Chick Corea.

The suite includes interpretations of “City Gate, Rumble”, “Time Track” and “Hymn of the Heart” by the Chick Corea Elektric Band as well as Return to Forever’s Modern Classic “Romantic Warrior”. These electrifying new interpretations are a sensorial delight for the Fusion lover and pay homage to the late master Chick Corea’s living legacy in the Music and Jazz World. Chick Corea is regarded one of the most important musicians to help guide Miles into his electric fusion period, and key member of Miles' Lost Quintet of 1969, and briefly was one of two keyboardists in his touring band, alongside Keith Jarrett; headlining jazz artist and leader in his own right for many years after, and founder of the groundbreaking Fusion group, Return to Forever, and many other bands.
Bangkok based Maarten Goetheer invites Thailand’s foremost Jazz drummer Pong Nakornchai for a musical workout alongside Wurlitzer Chords, Moog baselines, ARP leads and signature Rhodes phasings.

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