• Digital

Coming Out II

  • Cat No: WaWo02
  • Release: 2021-05-14


digital 1600 JPY

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

After a short quarantine/interruption/broadcast break/corona retreat/advertising break we enter the second round and musically expand our range. With Bang Goes' Bloedi Waelt ('dumb world') and its Zürich slang in our ears, we jauntily head for the approaching end of the world, the hippest place in town. Inside, we are greeted joyfully by Kaufmann, who is just now spinning the funky minimal groover Rocket Man, winding upwards towards soulful heights in a mini-break. Michal Ho's Shufflymulti whisks us down to the floor below, into a darker sonic space that keeps putting a mischievous smile on your face with its mad flashes of inspiration. By now sweat is dripping from the low ceiling, when suddenly MRZ's Einfamilienhaus ('one-family house') bumps out of the PA, an endearingly relentless stomper that makes every ankle go rubbery. Things get elegiac at the blue hour, with an oldskool ballad for Greta by Andaloop & Idealist, although it's not quite clear to us whether we're dancing indoors or outdoors, towards the sunset or dawn. With nemo2 by Levent, mind and body can briefly relax a bit on a fluffy couch, before they are pulled into a diffuse, twitching breakbeat, stirred and shaken. Powerful and minimal repetition with magnificent reverb tails; Lovelife by Bes the Dwarf gets to the point, and we have just now forgotten the time thanks to our headbanging. The room has long since dissolved with Cosili's Unterwasserkiffer ('underwater pothead'), and so we get carried through the time zones light-footedly, and eventually gently laid back onto the fresh grass of an abandoned park. The alarm goes off at 7.15 a.m.

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