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The World of Shells

  • Cat No: K091
  • updated:2017-03-16


JAMES FERRAROとのSKATERS以降カセットシーン、NEW AGEエクスペリメンタルのパイオニア的存在でもあり、昨年盟友DOLPHINS INTO THE FUTUREと来日も果たしたSPENCER CLARK。TYPHONIAN HIGHLIFE名義でのアルバム、ストックしました。見開きスリーヴのLP+ステッカー,インサートシート、ダウンロードコード月。SPENCER CLARK名義に続いて「貝の世界」。どうぞ視界と思考を閉じてイマジネーションの音のなかへ。「椅子の脚ーその管状の丸みの。。。磨き上げられたなめらかさに..超自然的な美を見出し数分間、いや数世紀だろうか」魅了され凝視したオルダス・ハクスリーのように。 (サイトウ)

Typhonian Highlife is the new moniker of Spencer Clark. Clark is the ultimate shape shifter, a trickster continuously mutating from a sci-fi hero, into a mystic guru or into a speculative visionary. As Typhonian Highlife he assimilates juxtapositions of the natural world and fantastic technology to reanimate the manieristic tradition. His compositions envision possible futures and speculative pasts. They imagine a new vision upon mankind, as a mythical underwater creature who creates meaning through a prosaic mysticism.

His latest record, "The World Of Shells" works as an dream expedition that has overflowed itself into real time. Through continual material-world visualization a technological nature music unfolds as series of movements outlining the existence of Mythological African creature. Travelling through Hollywood, Hanging Rock, Australia, and The Ear of Dionysus in Sicily the creature was placed, and has enacted a music and art form that explores a sci-fi aquatic and wind-blown desert fusion to uncover the life and wanderings of this non-material being.

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