• 12inch
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Nisantashi Primary School EP

  • Cat No: NISANTASHI01
  • 2018-01-21


12inch ---- JPY

NYC NOWAVE/DISCOにインスパイアされているようなウクライナのバンドNISANTASHI PRIMARY SCHOOL. レフトフィールドな人力ハウス「Past Yesterday」(sample2)もかなり良い感じです。

ウクライナの首都キエフのユニークバンド。デビューEP。ストックしました! (サイトウ)

Nisantashi Primary School are Vlad, Lucy and Mykhaylo from Kiev. This electronic-pop trio embraces weird sounds and holds omnivorous but clearly discerning appetites for mixing disco, funk and dub grooves. Their debut EP is a mix of snappy and moody synth sounds, vintage-tinged bass lines and gritty rhythms.

The selection of tracks is a showcase of moods and influences: from the feverish and psychedelic "Mr. Fingers" with Fumaça Preta's Alex Figueira on drums, to the nocturnal dancefloor gem "Hills". Hints of dance records from 80's NYC, synth-based disco and krautrock come through, but an eastern european immediacy and faux-débutant approach brings its own flavor to the table.

While dance music from Kiev might seem surprising, what do we really know about this city's energy? From the place where so many things are happening these days, maybe it's time to see something else unfold.

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