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Brazil Melancholia Ep

  • Cat No: MAMIE-004
  • updated:2018-07-25


12inch ---- JPY

フランスのビートメイカーQUENTIN LEROYことMAD REYが奏でる浮遊したエモーショナルなコード。とにかく美しく切ないメロディ、そしてシンクロするソリッドで洗練されたビート。パリのパーティークルー”LA MAMIE”が主宰する〈MAMIE'S RECORDS〉から、A・Bサイドそれぞれに両極端の個性を持った良質フレンチ・ハウスが登場!

フレンチハウス・ビートダウン優良レーベル〈D.KO RECORDS〉を拠点として、自主レーベル〈RED LEBANSE〉を運営するなど活発に動いている仏プロデューサーL REYことMAD REYが、PLAYIN' 4 THE CITYもリリースする〈MAMIE'S RECORDS〉から新作EPをドロップ!ビートメイカー然としたビート裁きは言わずもがな、傑出したメロディラインがたまらないタイトルトラック「Brazil Melancholia」(sample1)が本当に素晴らしい。直球で刺さるコード進行。遠くで聴かせるブラジリアン・ヴォーカルのサンプル使いに心揺さぶられる一曲。対してマットなボトムでじわりと攻める「Phonk」(sample2)も、ラグを利用したリズムワークでガッツリはめられる良質アシッドハウス。バッチリです。 (Akie)

Mad Rey strikes again ! The talented french producer delivers a 2 track EP built for the club, with some heavy acid and dreamy house. The Parisian label Mamie's Records wants to celebrate 20 years of victory against Brazil during 98's Football World Cup. Viva Francia ! Tracklist 12″: A - Brazil Melancholia B - Phonk Founder of the independent publishing house " Red Lebanese ", hits maker on D.KO Records beat maker as " L Rey ", graduated from " Beaux-Arts de Paris ", Mad Rey today appears as an artist who do not do anything like others but strongly followed by the whole artistic sector. " Quartier Sex " EP (inspired from his district " Pigalles " in Paris) has been a strong career kicker. But Quentin Leroy did not want to stay in his comfort zone. He wanted to push the limits of the House Music in adding Footworks, Hip-Hop, Techno, Acid in his live act. 1 hour of a condensed a finely written electronic music who literally smashed festivals and clubs crowds all around the world during 2015 and 2016 (ADE with Move D, San Soda and Tom Trago, Weather Festival alongside Kenny Dope, Lil'Louis and Mr Ties, or Concrete RA Residence Tour). After 4 highlighted EPs and a fresh Asia & Australia tour, Mad Rey comes back with a double EP on D.KO Records. This upcoming " Balabushka " double EP has a touch of Omar S and the grove a 90's release from Move D with a really modern way to mix the styles. He comes back in 2017 with his 2xEP Balabushka on D.KO Records. In 2018 Mad Rey will release 1 Ep on Rekids (Radio Slave's label records), another one on Promesses and the best one on Mamie's Records.

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