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Take Me With You

  • Cat No: ANS2000
  • updated:2022-06-30

ANTHONY NAPLESが”友人に捧げるミックステープ”として、カセットとデジダルのみでリリースした2rdアルバムがレコード化!FOUR TET主宰の〈TEXT〉から発表した1stから実に3年ぶりとなるフルアルバムは、彼のサウンドを支える一面を切り取った作品。瞑想チルな音空間で横断するエレクトロ・アンビエント・ダブそしてテクノ。

〈GOOD MORNING TAPES〉よりリリースされ、RAのベストアルバム2018にもピックされた話題の一枚がついにvinyl化。セルフレーベル〈ANS〉カタログ02。SUZANNE CIANI、ARTHUR RUSSELLからHOLGER CZUKAYの影響下のスペースサイエンスなエレクトロサウンド。エフェクト処理からビート挿入、シンセリフレインが調和したサウンドスケープ。"BIG CHILL"クラシックのJOHN BARRY「Midnight Cowboy」をメディテーンションダブにアレンジした「Drifter」(sample1)など、アフターパーティを思う残響とチルアウト。素晴らしいのひとことに尽きます。 (Akie)

Anthony Naples returns with his second full length album, "Take Me With You", arriving first as a ‘Mixed Version’ cassette inspired and commissioned by the Good Morning Tapes series, followed by Digital, Vinyl and even Long Sleeve T-Shirt formats. 

Originally conceived as a D.J. mixtape dedicated to friends and the time spent with them in the morning hours after the parties over (or beginning) - it quickly morphed into a soft focused meditation on all things warm and intangible.

“Take Me With You” fires off in all styles - the opening triptych of the extra-cosmic “Alto”, post-rave pianos of “Goodness” and slow-dance-inducing “Drifter” bring the attention inward — taking cues from a host of personal favorites including: “Space” LP by Space, The Theater Of Eternal Music, Panda Bear’s “Person Pitch” , Atlas Sound’s “Let The Blind Lead…”, Arthur Russell’s “World Of Echo”, Suzanne Ciani’s “Buchla Concerts: 1975”, The Microphones “The Glow Pt. II” & “Mount Eerie”, A mixtape of Krautrock from DJ Ivan Berko and most definitely Holger Czukay, “Take Me With You” is a fresh turn for Naples as he ascends into a blend of his most personal work to date — touching on trip-hop, psychedelic pop, ambient house, and much more along the way.

Make no mistake - “Take Me With You”’s message is undoubtedly about escapism, given away by its happy-abductee cover art done by the legend Biscuit— but first and foremost it reflects on that lingering feeling one gets when walking away from the ones they love.

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