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House Moult

  • Cat No: BOG018
  • updated:2021-05-25


12inch 1590 JPY

FULL PUPPからもリリースしたノルウェー、オスローのハウスシーンで活躍してきたプロデューサー、DJ IVAYLOのニューシングル。Hugo LX のリミックス収録。

PRINS THOMASもレジデンツ、ヨーロッパのトップアーティストがプレイするオスローのクラブJÆGERのレジデンツの一人IVAYLOのニューシングル。ハードウェアのファットなボトムとエレクトロニック・パーカッション、多層なビート感、エレクトロニクス。「Hausa 」。アシッド・ユニークなHUGO LXのリミックス。 Ghetto Of Womanなフレーズも挿入される鍵盤とベースラインも印象的な2のダビーな「House Moult」(sample3)も是非。 (サイトウ)

Ivaylo is next up on his Bogota Records imprint with a pair of fresh new cuts that come complete with a remix from Hugo LX. Bulgarian native Ivaylo is based in Oslo, and has vast experience of the dance music industry, having continuously proving himself as an essential DJ and producer, most recently his release on Cassy’s Kwench Records ‘Ae Way’. He delivers again here with Hausa, a deep roaming tune with a bassline that immediately lifts your energy. It makes for a back room track that is super tasteful and filled with warped synths and deft percussion that gets under your skin. Hugo LX serves up a tripe remix with tiny little sonic details, a spooky sense of late night mischief and neon melodies that really standout. Last of all, House Moult is a busier, more bristling cut with jostling drums and underlapping bass, an inventive sense of musical warmth and plenty of fresh ideas that are finished with an anthemic vocal that will get the crowd on their toes. This is another standout EP from all concerned, and another great chapter of Bogota Records.

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