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  • Cat No: RBINC005LP
  • Release: 2020-01-17
  • updated:2020-04-13


LP 2990 JPY

揺らぐオリエンタルシンセの抽象的音空間、打楽器の浮き出るような音像。〈INTERNATIONAL MAJOR LABEL〉ボスのDANIEL MEUZARD、そしてSAM IRLとのプロジェクト”MANTRA MANTRA”のDANIEL HELMER、レフトフィールド前線プロデューサーのドリームタッグ”YOGTZE”が〈RUNNING BACK〉よりデビュー!

DANIEL MEUZARDも”FEATER”や”SKYMAX”のプロジェクトで〈JAZZ & MILK〉のSAM IRLとの共作でリンクしている2人。アブストラクトなシンセ空間にポリリズミックに刻んだパーカッションが遊泳する「Montana Sacra」や、モジュラーのうねりの中で徐々に打楽器が浮かび上がる「So Many Times」の実験ニューエイジ作品だけだはなく、ブレイクビートを軸に展開する「Proxima」などのダンストラックまで網羅。共に旅したモロッコから影響を受けたオリエンタリズム溢れるメロディメイクもユニーク。 (Akie)

Running Back Incantations present Yogtze!
A joint venture of Daniel Helmer - musician, producer (Mantra Mantra, Gudrun von Laxenburg)and filmmaker from Vienna and Daniel Meuzard - (Feater, Skymax, Vallay) and a headstrong trip deep into the tune-in-turn-on-drop-out-mentality of European minds outside of their natural environment. Helmer and Meuzard met around 2005 in Peru where they both participated in an ayahuasca ceremony.
After this experience they decided to travel and discover South America together for some weeks. During that journey, the idea of a musical project (Yogtze) was born.
Two years and many miles later, Helmer and Meuzard saw Alejandro Jodorowsky’s „Montana Sacra“ at a small film festival in Paris. The movie inspired them to create a musical composition that reflects its spirit and atmosphere. In order to do so, they decided to travel Morocco and record music on a small 8-track tape machine at a friend’s home studio in Essaouira. “The artistic process felt very natural. All we had to do was to open up to the cosmos and let the music flow through our bodies“, said Meuzard. Neither Meuzard nor Helmers intented to release those recordings, since the sessions were more of a personal nature and meant to create a musical experience for themselves.
A decade later, their moroccan friend, who stumbled upon the tapes while cleaning his storage, urged them to release their recordings so everyone could experience the same musical journey as they had back in 2007. “It would be a grand act of selfishness not to share this work of art with others“ he told them. Luckily for thew world, Helmer and Meuzard decided to finally edit, mix and master the rest of the material in 2018/2019 and named their project „YOGTZE“. Expect a record full of wondrous soundscapes, haunting melodies and capturing themes that would fit in many categorie

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