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Rolled Up

  • Cat No: STH7076
  • updated:2021-08-15


7inch 1590 JPY

ベニー・シングスとマック・デマルコにコラヴォレーション、話題曲がSTONES THROWから7インチリリース!

楽しみなベニー・シングスのニューアルバムの先行シングルとなる「Rolled Up」が7インチ・リリースされました。AOR、今日的なシンガーソングライターベニーシングスと双璧をなす人気のマック・デマルコをフィーチャリング。光溢れる穏やかな空気感、じっくりじわじわと、新しい日を祝福するような朝のいい時間、パーティーの終焉を告げるような(PVでは、小鳥が囀っても、まだ呑んでます)いい曲。 (サイトウ)

Benny Sings has unveiled his latest single, “Rolled Up” featuring Mac DeMarco. This is the first song Benny and Mac worked together. Stones Throw will proudly release this 7-inch single in 2021 as the third new song from his forthcoming album.
Benny says "we wrote this together last year in Mac’s studio. I think Mac went out to get some coffee, and he heard someone use the phrase ‘rolled up, tossed out,’ talking about a cigarette. So that was the start of it. It felt pretty effortless, I think we both come from the same place songwriting-wise. Was a dream to work with him. A true artist.”
“Rolled Up” further reinforces Benny’s role as an in-demand songwriter across genres, and adds to an ever-growing list of collaborators and fans that includes Rex Orange County’s platinum single “Lovin Is Easy” (Benny co-wrote and is featuring on the track), The Free Nationals, PJ Morton, Mayer Hawthorne, Goldlink, John Mayer, Allen Stone, Cornelius and others.

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