• 12inch
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  • Cat No: WMR-021
  • updated:2021-09-05


12inch ---- JPY

メルボルンの老舗のレコード・ショップ「WAX MUSEUM」がプッシュしてきた才能の1人、CLOSE COUNTERSによる最新シングル”Flux EP”がリリース!

HIATUS KAIYOTEを筆頭に、HARVEY SUTHERLANDやZEITGEIST FREEDOM ENERGYといったオーガニックなダンスミュージック、フューチャーソウル〜クロスオーヴァーなジャムグルーヴの進化を担うホープ・CLOSE COUNTERS。フルバンド演奏の形を模索していた'19~'20年の初め頃制作された4トラック!シンガー・JAYDEANをフィーチャ―した”Something In My Drink”(sample1)、「30/70」コレクティヴのリードシンガー・ALLYSHA JOY参加の”Speak In Truth”(sample2)と、ヴォーカリストの魅力を引き立たせるプロダクション、アレンジメントの手腕が光るAサイドの2トラックは、MATTHEW HAYESとLUCKY PEREIRAも参加。インストゥルメンタル、オリジナルトラック”Up And Out”(sample3)も絶品です。レコメンド!

Left reeling at the turn of the decade, Close Counters 'explosion onto the live electronic scene in Melbourne was abruptly halted, leaving them in a uncertain and constant state of flow. After a move across the Tasman Sea a few short years ago from Hobart, the duo had expanded and enlisted a full 7 piece setup with live percussion, woodwind and stringed instruments joining the tour de force on stage which features dancers from their greater collective. Their most recent East Coast headline tour of Australia saw the team continue to sell out shows with an impressive 1,100 tickets across two shows at Melbourne’s infamous The Night Cat after gracing the Meredith Music Festival stage at midnight ahead of Liam Gallagher on the billing to which the amphitheater was left heaving and punters enthralled.

Their new aptly titled ‘Flux’ EP, conceived originally in a Coburg studio, was moved due to a government enforced 112 day lockdown in Victoria. Studio space was traded in for online streamed sessions with Allysha Joy (30/70) Paul Bender (Hiyatus Kaiyote) and JAYDEAN. A host of friends along the way also joined in various forms across the 5 tracker and the sense of community with their peers helped them overcome the challenging time, that has seen Close Counters create their most well rounded piece of artistry, that further showcases their diverse soundscape at the crossroads of house, neo-soul, hip-hop and disco.

Their new wave of live dance music has been featured multiple times on Indie Shuffle and their original works have been widely supported by tastemakers Giles Peterson, NME, Pilerats, EARMILK, The Sound You Need, Stoney Roads and radio crews at BBC Radio 6, triple j, Worldwide FM, KEXP Seattle, NTS and Balamii.

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