• 2x12inch + 7 page booklet
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Cobalt Desert Oasis

  • Cat No: INC-015
  • updated:2022-03-03


2x12inch + 7 page booklet ---- JPY

きました!イタリア人プロデューサー・ベルリン在住MARCO SHUTTLEの新作の新境地・トライバル・エクスペリメンタル・ディープテクノを独自に更新。全編にイランの伝統楽器打楽器トンバクをフィーチャー、そして様々なフィールド音をミックス。

Nicola Cruzからこれは絶対聴けと連絡あり楽しみにしてた一枚。Donato DozzyとNeelのレーベル、Spazio Disponibileから南イタリアの伝統リズムであるタランテッラを電気化したエクペリメンタル・トラックをリリースしたりと、Labyrinthに出演するディープテクノ勢にしては珍しいアプローチをするなと注目しておりました。果たして今作は期待どうりの新境地。イランの伝統打楽器トンバクの特徴的なつんのめったリズムは確かに彼の不思議なシンセワークとリズム感合うかもなと聴いているうちに発見。そこに2年間撮りだめたフィールドrec音源などミックス。サイケデリアとリチュアリズム(神秘主義)、かっこよすぎ。新しい。

***今回入荷分はジャケットに背割れがあるため、お値引きさせて頂いております。ご注文前にご了承願います。*** (Shhhhh)

Track List

  • 1. AfA

  • 2. Danza De Los Voladores

  • 3. Through The Cobalt Desert

  • 4. Il Serpente Cosmico

  • 5. Tombak Healer

  • 6. Acrobat

  • 7. Winds Of Cydonia

  • 8. Polysolation

  • 9. Into Thin Air

  • 10. Bembe Bongo

  • 11. 4Dimensional Soundwaves

Marco Shuttle's third album, Cobalt Desert Oasis, features a varied collection of music recorded across a two year period. Often traveling to remote destinations, Marco would come back to Berlin with field recordings, images, and other inspirations to process in his studio and turn into sound.

The theme of the journey turns into a something more abstract than a travel diary, where environmental sounds blend in with modular synthesis, drum machines, effects and analog oscillators resulting in a cinematic listening experience where psychedelia, ritualism, and mysticism weave together in a sort of alien soundscape - that as the title of the album suggests, is reminiscent of a parallel utopian world.

The album is rich in complex rhythmics, and more than in any of his previous work, has strong acoustic elements. Amongst other percussion instruments, Marco used the Tombak, a traditional Persian hand drum capable of reaching a very wide range of frequencies - from deep round subby toms, to high pitched sharp rimshots, throughout the record.

Marco Shuttle is certainly not new to these sort of elements, but in Cobalt Desert Oasis he brings the environmental element of his sound into the forefront in a way that takes the listener into a hazy expanse where it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the machine elements from the natural - and where the music almost becomes a visual experience, which relates to Marco's own photography used throughout the cover and insert images.

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