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1977 Remix Ep

  • Cat No: SOV020
  • updated:2000-01-01


12inch ---- JPY

〈SOUND OF VAST〉より、DJ Sodeyamaの別名義プロジェクトTHE PEOPLE IN FOGのアルバム『1977』の国内外の人気DJによる豪華なリミックスEPがリリース。

昨年、8年ぶりにリリースされたアルバム『1977』から4トラックがチョイスされ、シカゴハウスの重鎮"Rahaan"、そしてSatoshi Tomiie、Chida、Licaxxxといった日本を代表するDJ、これら4名によるリミックスEP。中でも、3分55秒のダビーなヒプノティックディープハウスだった"Less Is More"を、原曲のニュアンスはそのままに、それぞれの音像をタイトにまとめ、ずっと踊っていられるようなトライバル・ミニマルハウスへと変貌させた6分36秒のSatoshi Tomiieによるリミックス(Sample1)は素晴らしい。リミックスの妙技。より軽快でファンキーなディスコにしたRahaanのリミックス(Sample2)も良い!要チェックです!! (Ashikaga)

Sound Of Vast revisits The People In Fog ‘1977’ LP with a remix package featuring remixes from Rahaan, Satoshi Tomiie, Chida and Licaxxx.

July 2021 saw DJ Sodeyama deliver his ‘1977’ album under the The People In Fog guise. Its a project which sees the Japanese Techno artist lean towards raw house and experimental sounds in contrast to the more techno-oriented material released under his own name. The album received critical acclaim from many leading publications and here Sound Of Vast offer up a remix package of some key cuts from the project. Chicago House legend Rahaan steps up first to remix ‘Mr. Dub’, delivering a typically disco-infused twist on the original via a wandering bass groove, resonant chimes, cowbell hooks and hypnotic synth melodies while the original’s vocal chant loops throughout the groove. Japan’s Satoshi Tomiie is up next to aptly remix ‘Less Is More’, taking a cue from the title the Tokyo-born producer and DJ delivers a reduced take on things, laying focus on spiraling dub echoes, stripped-back organic drums and subtle sub bass pulsations.

Opening the flip-side is ene Records boss and ESP Institute artist Chida who flips the switch on ‘Come To Me feat. Monkey Timers’, delivering seven-minutes of modulating arpeggio bass, saturated drums, acid bleeps and mind- altering synth textures. Tokyo Community Radio founder and a leading figure of the young generation with diversity Licaxxx then rounds out the release with her take on ‘Down The Drain feat. Sunga’, laying down a bouncy, dynamic drum groove and intricate vocal processing atop the original version’s squelchy acid line.

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