- LP(Blue Jay)
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- New Release
Durand Jones
Wait Til I Get Over
Dead Oceans
- Cat No: DOC280lp
- updated:2023-05-05
コンテンポラリーR&B/ソウル・グループ、Durand Jones & The Indicationsのフロントマン、Durand Jonesのデビュー・ソロ・アルバムが完成!故郷への思いと自らの人生を回顧した繊細で個人的な作品。〈Dead Oceans〉から。
Track List
1. Gerri Marie
2. The Place You’d Most Want To Live (Interlude)
3. Lord Have Mercy
4. Sadie
5. I Want You
6. Wait Til I Get Over
7. That Feeling
8. See It Through (Interlude)
9. See It Through
10. Someday We’ll All Be Free (feat. Skypp)
11. Letter To My 17 Year Old Self
12. Secrets
Durand Jones’s Wait ‘Til I Get Over is a memoir and a love letter. It is the story of Jones’s life, his growth and revelations, the wisdom of his hometown and the wisdom he could only gain once he left. In it, he writes through Hillaryville’s contradictions: the pristine beauty and the ragged roads; his teenage desire to leave and his adult desire to honor his tangled roots; the plantation history and the ups and downs of the Black community that made homes of this reparation town. “Hometowns have a way of keeping a part of you,” says Jones, “and if I’m making something young-me would be proud of, Hillaryville is a big part of that.” Jones finds something transformative in his memories there and the life he has led since, ultimately claiming and embracing his whole self.
The result is vulnerable, personal, touching on Jones’s relationship to church life, to his mother, to his queerness, to his worth. “I wish I could tell my younger self ‘you don’t have to stick to the dreams people have for you,’” says Jones, “’you can dream bigger. You are more than capable, you are more than able. I think about some nerdy punk kid in the rural south who needs to hear that now.’” Wait ‘Til I Get Over does exactly that.
The result is vulnerable, personal, touching on Jones’s relationship to church life, to his mother, to his queerness, to his worth. “I wish I could tell my younger self ‘you don’t have to stick to the dreams people have for you,’” says Jones, “’you can dream bigger. You are more than capable, you are more than able. I think about some nerdy punk kid in the rural south who needs to hear that now.’” Wait ‘Til I Get Over does exactly that.
普段はバンドThe Indicationsとの連名でリリースをしているDurand Jonesですが、ソロ作はサザンソウルのより特異な次元を探求。ルイジアナで育った10代の頃の心境や、現在の自身のルーツへのリスペクトをジョーンズの硬質で甘美な声で歌い上げます。ゴスペル、ロックンロール、ソウルをベースに、その基本を刺激的な新境地に押し上げた力強いブラックミュージックとして聴かせてくれる、非常にパーソナルな一枚。これぞソウルミュージック。 (AYAM)