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Everyone Else Is A Stranger

  • Cat No: STS382lp
  • updated:2023-10-05

Lindstrøm、Smalltown Supersoundから新作アルバム。アナログ・ストックしてます。アルバム・タイトルは、ジョン・カサヴェテス監督の名作『ラヴ・ストリームス』(泣)にインスパイアされているという「Everyone Else is a Stranger」。

2019年の「On A Clear Day I Can See You Forever」以来となるアルバム。10分越えの2曲を含む4曲。ディテールの深さ、シンセサイザー、ギター、声、ストリングスなどがグルーヴを産み、混然となり、ストーリーを産み出す壮大な世界。「Everyone Else Is A Stranger」。「他の誰もが、他者」的な日本語訳としては、すんなり理解しがたいタイトル。娘への過剰な愛を拒絶され、こわれゆくジーナ・ローランズ、息子とすらうまく通じ合えないジョン・カサヴェテス。1983年「ラヴ・ストリームス」にインスパイアされていると思うと感慨深い。ラスト、タイトル曲素晴らしい。 (サイトウ)

Lindstrøm returns with his sixth studio album Everyone Else is a Stranger, and the first since 2019’s On a Clear Day I Can See You Forever. The title of the album was inspired by John Cassavetes’ original title for his 1984 film Love Streams, and contains four tracks of his signature chord-stacking disco epics and freeform cosmic voyages, stretching across nearly 40 minutes. An album that in many ways sums up his career, and gathers his different musical paths into one sound and one album.

Where his previous album had a slower and more mellow feel to it, 2023’s Everyone Else is a Stranger sees Lindstrøm take on a much more rhythm-oriented and uptempo approach, containing tracks that fit perfect with the artist’s revered live sets. That said, this album also contains the unexpected twists and turns that has become the Norwegian producer’s trademark, including recordings of him playing a cheap Chinese cello and violin for the first time alongside the old Solina String-Ensemble he has used on essentially every track since his debut.

Named «the king of space disco» by The New Yorker, Lindstrøm has always made a virtue of his obsessive work ethic, turning his city center studio into a factory floor for churning out monster tracks. He has collaborated with the likes of Todd Terje, Prins Thomas and Todd Rundgren, has remixed a slew of acts including LCD Soundsystem, Lana del Rey, Haim, Grizzly Bear, Flume, RAC, London Grammar and more.

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