- 12inch
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- New Release
Alonso Toro
Isiminaimanín Ricardo Villalobos Remixes
- Cat No: JIGITRMX001
- updated:2024-05-09
VILLALOBOS REMIXES!!ベネズエラの3人組サイケデリック・フォークバンドAlzheimer。彼らが2001年に発表したCD"Alzheimer"に収録されている"Isiminaimanín"をRicardo Villalobosがリミックス!2バージョン収録。
Track List
Alzheimer, the record, is a Stranger everywhere on Earth. Wherever you might be listening to it, it will always be from somewhere else. The product of a foreign culture, for even though it was created and recorded in Caracas, Venezuela between January 1997 and 9/9/99.
It is the result of forgetting everything and recomposing a new Sound World from the faintest, blurriest recollections of musical culture. Its purpose is confusion, its uniqueness is creating it in the realm
of MUSIC; a clash of instruments and minds.
Everything you will hear in the record was performed by humans and insects, spoken and sung by living beings, roughly a decade before the “smartphone”, which is probably the most stupid, final creating of mankind. The Alzheimer ensemble still exists and fully supports this initiative of celebrating the 24th year of its first of two published albums on vinyl. The spirit of our group will never be captured by robotic “intelligence”. We will fight it in every possible way through unpredictable cultural action and the infinite HUMAN creative talent are uniting under our banner.
Alzheimer, the record, is a Stranger everywhere on Earth. Wherever you might be listening to it, it will always be from somewhere else. The product of a foreign culture, for even though it was created and recorded in Caracas, Venezuela between January 1997 and 9/9/99.
It is the result of forgetting everything and recomposing a new Sound World from the faintest, blurriest recollections of musical culture. Its purpose is confusion, its uniqueness is creating it in the realm
of MUSIC; a clash of instruments and minds.
Everything you will hear in the record was performed by humans and insects, spoken and sung by living beings, roughly a decade before the “smartphone”, which is probably the most stupid, final creating of mankind. The Alzheimer ensemble still exists and fully supports this initiative of celebrating the 24th year of its first of two published albums on vinyl. The spirit of our group will never be captured by robotic “intelligence”. We will fight it in every possible way through unpredictable cultural action and the infinite HUMAN creative talent are uniting under our banner.
チェロ奏者のPedro VasquezとPaul Desenne、そしてサックス奏者のAlonso Toro。3人によるサイケデリック・フォークバンドAlzheimer。彼らのアルバム"Alzheimer"は、本レーベル〈JIGIT〉から今年に再発されるとのことで要注目な一枚。そのジャケットでは3人のコミカルな姿が描かれていて面白いのですが、ベネズエラではクラシック音楽の方面で高く評価がされている方々のようです(Paul Desenne氏は昨年にお亡くなりになられています)。とてもユニークな文脈を持つアルバムのファーストトラックを、あのRicardo Villalobosがリミックス。複合拍子、アフリカン・ポリリズムを駆使したカオティックなラテン・ミニマリズム。見逃せない一枚です! (Ashikaga)