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Pay Attention to the Bass

  • Cat No: IP007
  • updated:2024-04-10


12inch 2390 JPY

LCD Soundsystemのベース/ギタリストTyler Popeが自身のレーベルInterference Patternから12インチ。

!!!, Hercules & Love Affair, LCD Soundsystem, Out Hud等にも参加してきたNYCのギタリストTyler Pope が自身のレーベル〈Interference Pattern Records〉から新作12インチ・リリース。LIQUID LIQUIDなどのパンク・ファンクな感触もあるエレクトロ・ファンク、ニューウェイヴ、ダブやインダストリアル、ミニマルなどの様式美も伺える、独特のドラマティックな世界。 (サイトウ)

Tyler Pope's latest EP is an absolute belter, and the primary concern these four tracks are asking of you is right up front: Pay Attention to the Bass. And, honestly, with a sense low-end like what's on display here, how could you not? This new release from Pope-a dance veteran who's also known as a full-time member of LCD Soundsystem as well as a collaborator with artists like Hercules & Love Affair and Pantha Du Prince-arrives on his always eclectic Interference Pattern label, an imprint that has previously spanned left-field electronic sounds, noise rock, and avant-R&B. As such, Pay Attention to the Bass is anything but straightforward, with ricocheting rhythms and alluring textures that are as easy to get lost in as they are to move your body to.

Listeners familiar with last year's Make Each Other Happy EP, which embraced dark disco grooves and crisp percussion, will be delighted at the new curveballs on display here: "Why Must I" euphorically merges the propulsive charge of UK funky with delicious piano-house stabs, while "OKay" anchors itself around a rubbery bass line like a lost cut from the Remain In Light sessions. The flip side gets dark and dank with it, as "Close the Door" echoes with spooky clatter and dubby wobbles before sprightly vibes break through-and the closing cut "Where r they Hiding" goes full-on tunnel techno with it, conjuring a mood that recalls the haunted house music of Sandwell District as well as the cold-sweat futuristic visions of jungle. With Pay Attention to the Bass, Pope expands his sound wider than ever, and it just so happens that it's an absolute blast to listen to as well.

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