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Simple Reality

  • Cat No: ES038
  • updated:2024-09-17

パンク第1世代や2-STONEのシーンに繋がるイングランド・ウェスト・ミッドランド州コヴェントリーのDIY UKインディーバンドSkeetの音源。メルボルンの音楽シーンのキーマンMikey Youngと、DJ Noise In My Headがキューレートする〈Efficient Space〉のタッグで発掘。唯一無二のタイム感覚、魅力。

A Certain Ratioや23skidooからYoung Marble Giantsまで引き合いに出して紹介するオブスキュア80sバンド。2017年に「Alternative Sounds Volume 1」というコンピでその存在が明かされ、2013年に、初期Discfunctionのメンバーで、現在エストニアのタリンを拠点にしているChris Longのレーベル〈Almost Unknown〉が限定プレスで発掘し日の目をみた音源がリリースされ、彼らを愛好してきたMikey Youngがさらなる未発表を加え〈Efficient Space〉からバイナルリリース。当時、後にテリー・ホール率いたThe Colourfieldの主要メンバーになるToby Lyons所有のオープンリープと、Jerry Dammers (The Specials)のミキサーを借りて録音されたという音源。リズムマシーン、パンク・ファンク、テクノ・ポップ、ニューウェイヴ、DIYインディーサウンド。 (サイトウ)

Simple Reality cements the short lived legacy of Coventry DIY group Skeet.

Emerging from a scene of first-generation punks and 2 Tone kids, Skeet was instigated by Gary and Nigel Meffen in 1981, fusing tightrope instrumentals with a Roland CR-8000 under the glow of projected visuals. After a cassette of their debut performance found its way to Kay Booth who worked at Inferno Records, the unsuspecting frontwoman took the liberty of adding her own vocals. Instantly embraced as a permanent member, Booth’s shy delivery and open-diary expressions of social alienation and romantic rejection hovered over the brothers’ scratchy guitar and agitated bass.

Playing as few as 10 shows, their unnerving minimalism was recorded in a suburban home studio, borrowing a reel-to-reel from Toby Lyons (The Colourfield) and a mixer from Jerry Dammers (The Specials). Record labels gestured interest until one day they were no more - no arguments, no official split, just a silent parting of the ways and three people taking journeys in different directions. Unheard and unloved in the vaults for nearly four decades, 'Brief Call' finally resurfaced via the Coventry Music Museum compendium Alternative Sounds Volume 1, followed by a micro pressing of the full suite on Chris Long’s Almost Unknown imprint in 2023.

Simple Reality now offers a definitive snapshot of these must-hear neurotic post-punks. Mastered by Skeet fanatic Mikey Young, newly discovered instrumental multitracks are restored alongside a live recording of their final stand. Performed atop of a trailer in a pub beer garden, the release-worthy desk tape adds three new tracks and a more energised swing at ‘Left On the Shelf’s apathetic techno-pop.

RIYL: Fire Engines, 23 Skidoo, A Certain Ratio, Young Marble Giants, pel mel

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