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mindSET (LP)
Avenue 66
- Cat No: AVE66-19
- updated:2025-01-16
これはかっこいい、、一瞬聞いた瞬間にビビッときました。奇才アーティストSW.による9枚目のアルバムMINDSETがACID TESTのサブレーベル〈AVENUE 66〉からリリースされた!テクノ・ポップ・シンセ更には作者のダンスミュージックにおけるより抽象的なレフトフィールドの要素が高次元なサウンドデザイン・奇才ゆえの遊び心あるユニークな展開に一瞬にして心を掴まれました。伝わりにくいですがSW.の言葉を借りれば「奇妙な瞬間を共有するダンサーたちへの賛辞であり波長を持つ者にとっては、誰もが内に秘める感情なのだ」少量ですがストックできました!
Track List
mindSET is the ninth album from enigmatic producer SW., directly following this summer’s excursion into his trademark techno, IDM and bleep soundscapes, on the myDEFINITIONS Vol II album. But with his mindSET album SW. takes a left turn, as pioneers often do, and we find ourselves on the lesser traveled side roads of electronic music history. Or in SW.’s own words: “the more abstract leftfield elements.”
It’s in these less-defined areas that SW. finds his sweet spot, building dancefloor soundtracks that defied definition. And with mindSET the sounds and the machines might have changed, the methodology remains the same.
“It draws from what was more generally seen in leftfield as a term for the slightly off-kilter house and broken beats that didn’t fit neatly into classic genres, whether that was Chicago house, French garage, drum and bass, or broken beat. It’s more about those in-between sounds that never really took off, only appearing briefly in the early to mid-90s and then quickly disappearing. There was a certain magic in that moment, which I wanted to capture. Also, the entire album was produced using classic analog equipment, with old machines that were used during that era. That’s the approach I’ve taken.”
The eight tracks on mindSET are shaped out of de-tuned techno pop synths and heavy, syncopated drums, grooving along chopped-up polymeters to create an eerie mood, as if orbiting an undiscovered planet for the first time. The harmonic movements are often bent out of shape, sometimes veering towards Gherkin Jerks or Cristian Vogel territory. But in the end, the sounds are less important than the atmosphere, and the tracks represent an attitude or an approach - to creating the music as well as experiencing it. mindSET is a nod to those dancers sharing an oddball moment, and for those of us on the same wavelength, it's a vibe we can all get inside.
It’s in these less-defined areas that SW. finds his sweet spot, building dancefloor soundtracks that defied definition. And with mindSET the sounds and the machines might have changed, the methodology remains the same.
“It draws from what was more generally seen in leftfield as a term for the slightly off-kilter house and broken beats that didn’t fit neatly into classic genres, whether that was Chicago house, French garage, drum and bass, or broken beat. It’s more about those in-between sounds that never really took off, only appearing briefly in the early to mid-90s and then quickly disappearing. There was a certain magic in that moment, which I wanted to capture. Also, the entire album was produced using classic analog equipment, with old machines that were used during that era. That’s the approach I’ve taken.”
The eight tracks on mindSET are shaped out of de-tuned techno pop synths and heavy, syncopated drums, grooving along chopped-up polymeters to create an eerie mood, as if orbiting an undiscovered planet for the first time. The harmonic movements are often bent out of shape, sometimes veering towards Gherkin Jerks or Cristian Vogel territory. But in the end, the sounds are less important than the atmosphere, and the tracks represent an attitude or an approach - to creating the music as well as experiencing it. mindSET is a nod to those dancers sharing an oddball moment, and for those of us on the same wavelength, it's a vibe we can all get inside.
ワクワク緊張感のある不思議なパラレルワールド・ドープでイマジナリー、ゆっくりと体にしみるダビー・ダウンテンポに心掴まれたbpm91「Ha」(sample1)これがありそうでない様な気がする。未知の惑星を周回するかの様なダンストラックbpm117「HÄÄlene __」(sample2)も幅広いDJにプレイされたい。更には一段と強度とポリリズムを深化させたbpm124「horizon」(sample3)などの独創的な8トラックを収録。トラックリストからも是非! (hamon)