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Butch Haynes introduces Complementary Minds Vol. 1.

  • Cat No: TRP005
  • updated:2025-03-02


LP 4790 JPY

イタリア、ミラノのLuca Ferrara(mhlfll)とMichele Fallabrino(Butch Haynes)によるプロジェクトComplementary Mindsのニューリリース。リズムの構成やタイム感覚、音響構築など、それぞれの曲に魅力ある世界観。

SISTRUM RECORDINGSからもリリースしたButch HaynesとMCのmhlfllによるTerapia Records、Complementary Mindsのニューリリース。「Butch Haynes introduces Complementary Minds Vol. 1.」に続く第2弾で、シングルLPですがVOl1から引き継いでC-SIDE、D-SIDEとなっています。ハウス、トリップホップ、ビート・ミュージックのエッセンスがミックスされた10のトラック。 (サイトウ)

We last left off with Complementary Minds dropping singles and EPs to keep telling their musical story. But now, we're hyped to present their new album, the second one, Complementary Minds Vol 2 (inevitably out on vinyl and of course on digital versions), it's picking up right where the first one left off and just like that one, it’s out on their label, Terapia Records. Complementary Minds Vol.2 is, as the duo has been treating us to lately, a subtle yet striking evolution from the first chapter of what, and we’re telling you this exclusively, will be a trilogy. The tracks are a mix of influences from all sorts of genres like Hip-Hop, Breakbeat, Electro, House, Acid Jazz and much more. But the compositional style here is more mature, even more aware and refined, less raw than the first album, which showcased their creative talent in an instinctive way. This is a big step in the musical maturity of Luca and Michele. As usual, they flaunt their passion for movies by stuffing the tracks with film references in the form of samples that we challenge you to find, giving you just a few hints: you'll find samples from The Goonies in “Goonietown", Natural Born Killers in "Born Dead” and even Fantozzi Contro Tutti, a wild obsession of our very own Luca, in the track "Rmx & Chips”! Continuing from the first album, the tracks on what should be the first side are named starting with C, so the second side is the D side, kicking off with “Goonietown" and its absolutely smashing four-on-the-floor groove. The dark and brooding mystical energy of "Kim Darkness" takes us into a different sound dimension, from which we inevitably emerge with the fresh vibes of the airy "Hey" and the mellow "Born Dead" before diving into the rhythmic coolness of "Rmx & Chips” which put the END word on the first side. D side starts with “King Of Korea” and its harmonic electro touch which perfectly sets up the following track, the short but intense "M-Time" and the esoteric crypticism of “Damn”. The breathless sprint of Complementary Minds sees the finish line approaching, but not before tackling the sonic leaps of a world crafted by their vintage touch and the late '80s rhythmic evolutions of the ruggedly classy "Explorer '85". “Ambient Kontakt” anticipates the 9th inning of this record with a touch of healthy weirdness, a must by the pair, and sets the stage for the fleeting and dreamy outro of the spacey "O" Omega for the Greek scholars, symbolizing the end, the final letter of the alphabet. The tune is inspired to Jerry Goldsmith’s majestic soundtracks; he composed, amongst others, the music for Alien and Rambo. Here's what you need to know before diving into the listening experience of Complementary Minds Vol.2 by the duo Complementary Minds, out on Terapia Records. As always, they send their regards from Milan and invite you to keep your eyes peeled and your ears open for the final chapter of the trilogy!

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