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  • Cat No: YO1TH
  • updated:2020-07-16


12inch ---- JPY

JOY ORBISONやJUNIPER等も参加するマンチェスターのMEANDYOUコレクティヴの一員、グラフィック・デザイナーでDJのANDREW LYSTERがスタートした新レーベル。

ポートランドのニューアーチストYARDの12インチ。〈THE TRILOGY TAPES〉のWILL BANKHEADやKASSEM MOSSE,BEN UFOが早い段階でプレイしてきた一枚。アナログ、LO-FIな質感、ユニークなリズムの刻みかた、強靭なベース、折りかえす同一音階のサイレン・トーン、現代音楽やニューエイジを通過した様なサイケデリック感覚の「VOID」筆頭に、ACID/DUB...マッドなダンスフロア実験。推薦盤です。 (サイトウ)

The first release on Youth - a new label from Andrew Lyster, comes from Portland based artist Yard. Hailing from the dark woods of the West Coast of the United States, Yard brings together a collection of tracks from the archives alongside some new material. Canopy and White Fog were originally released on the album Deciduous Flood Plains, and have been reworked for this release. Marshall Acid is pressed to vinyl for the first time having previously only been available digitally via Event Horizon. Yard’s gritty sound evokes a spectrum of gnarled city life to organic atmospheres. The release comprises of field recordings, micro-cassette mangles, bass kicks, a live jam between x0xb0x and a modded tr-606 and water drops percolating through the mixes to get that urban hum and grit running up against the forest.

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