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  • Cat No: DECISIONS10
  • updated:2020-05-04

メルボルンAIR MAX '97、自身が主宰する〈DECISIONS〉から初のフルアルバムをラウンチ。BASS、GRIMEを経過し一層洗練された刺激、攻撃性。変則的リズムワークで更新され続けるダンスミュージック前線。

AIR MAX ‘97ことOLIVER VAN DER LUGT、久しぶりのフィジカルリリースは待望のフルアルバム。アルバム全体を通し、精錬され鋭さを増したカッティングエッジ。変則的リズム裁きを埋めるように散らされた破裂音や喧騒、環境音。メロディセンスも屈折していてユニーク。騒々しくも透明度が高い音色。シングルEPだけでは知り得ない独特のセンスを目の当たり出来る一枚。PANの若き才能M.E.S.H.もサポート、これはトラックリストから是非! (Akie)

Rugged and lustrous, Nacre is Air Max '97's first full-length release. Written between Melbourne and Berlin and mixed in Mexico City, the album bears traces of fleeting yet profound geographic and emotional immersions. Air Max '97's signature baroque momentum is suffused anew with pungent and labile tonal atmospheres, through which organic sonic events and incomprehensibly abstracted vocals wreathe. The record's disposition spans the darkly playful arpeggios of Veneer to the dirge-like Kermes and paranoiac Karyon. Fiendishly twisting tracks are interspersed with more tender moments such as Queriensteiger, Nacre and Gousse (formerly released on Stoscha's 2017 Klink compilation). The totality is uncompromising and affective, yielding a broader spectrum of Air Max '97 sonics than ever before.

Nacre will be released on 12" vinyl and digital on 1 June 2018. Air Max '97 will tour a new live show in support of the release.

Early support for the release from:
M.E.S.H., Airhead, Tzusing, Ziur, Strict Face.

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