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The Bala Session

  • Cat No: LR150
  • updated:2018-12-17


ポスト・パンク、ゴシック・ロックのレジェンドBAUHAUSの初期音源。9分強にわたるデビューシングル「Bela Lugosi's Dead」と、そのB-SIDEに「Harry」デビューEPに収録されていた「Boy」の別テイクと未発表を加えた「The Bala Session」。〈Leaving Records〉から再発されました。デビュー作ですでに確立されている様式美、彼らのヒーローでもあるジギー・スターダストなDAVID BOWIEにもつうじる陶酔的で、退廃的世界観、冒頭から展開されるダブ、エフェクトワーク、金属的なサウンドのクールさ。当時の時代的背景も含めて改めてしびれた。 (サイトウ)

The Bela Session is a full release of Bauhaus' first studio session from January 26 1979, where the iconic "Bela Lugosi's Dead" was recorded. This is the first and only official reissue of "Bela Lugosi's Dead" on vinyl, and the first time 3 of the 5 tracks have been released. This EP has been produced directly by the band with Leaving Records, in advance of the band's 40th anniversary.

Bauhaus are a four-piece from Northampton, England, composed of Peter Murphy (vocals, occasional instruments), Daniel Ash (guitar), Kevin Haskins (drums), and David J (bass). Venerated and highly influential, the band emerged from the post-punk alternative music scene of the early 80s with a string of innovative albums and a powerfully dramatic live presentation. Their music embodies a minimalistic, disconsolate style of post-punk rock unlike any other.

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