- 12inch
- Recommended =
- New Release
4 Colours
Full Dose
- Cat No: FD003
- updated:2019-02-26
FRAKのメンバーであり、先日〈IDEAL RECORDINGS〉からアルバムを出したVILLA ÅBO aka JBSが2018年の暮れにグラスゴーのアンダーグラウンドレーベル〈FULL DOSE〉から出した12インチを入荷!期待通りに独特の奇妙さを持った特殊なレコード。ホワイトレーベルにハンドプリントの200枚限定作品です!
Jan Bertil Svensson: co-founder of the legendary Börft Records, member of arch techno-primitivists Frak, the man responsible for Villa Abo and all-round underground don active in the field of machine music since 1987!
Whilst Jan's output will always conjure comparisons to Techno with a capital T, he has (and continues to) plough a singular and peculiar path in the realm of electronic music. For the Glasgow-based Full Dose, he presents his first ever solo 12" under the name of J.B.S: a four tracker of sluggish, minimal funk that bears the hallmarks of his most classic work as Villa Abo, and adds dashes of the brutal grit that his Studio SS project is infamous for. If there's any sort of recurring theme in Svensson's work, it's playfulness and humour, a particular Scandinavian form of sonic banter that cuts right through the po-faced, black-clad heteronomy of much of today's electronic landscape. The music on this record, with it's odd blend of stripped-back synth pop and brutish dungeon funk evokes exactly that: a body of work that doesn't even seem capable of taking itself too seriously, yet evades anything resembling a recognisable piss take. After all, nobody said that humour and credibility in music had to be mutually exclusive, and J.B.S is a master at weaving the two together at will.
In a world where dance music is often subjected to ludicrous conceptual analysis, sometimes the combined effect of hot circuitry, sincerity, vivaciousness and an anomalous attitude are the only thing for it. But then again, this is not just dance music either…
Whilst Jan's output will always conjure comparisons to Techno with a capital T, he has (and continues to) plough a singular and peculiar path in the realm of electronic music. For the Glasgow-based Full Dose, he presents his first ever solo 12" under the name of J.B.S: a four tracker of sluggish, minimal funk that bears the hallmarks of his most classic work as Villa Abo, and adds dashes of the brutal grit that his Studio SS project is infamous for. If there's any sort of recurring theme in Svensson's work, it's playfulness and humour, a particular Scandinavian form of sonic banter that cuts right through the po-faced, black-clad heteronomy of much of today's electronic landscape. The music on this record, with it's odd blend of stripped-back synth pop and brutish dungeon funk evokes exactly that: a body of work that doesn't even seem capable of taking itself too seriously, yet evades anything resembling a recognisable piss take. After all, nobody said that humour and credibility in music had to be mutually exclusive, and J.B.S is a master at weaving the two together at will.
In a world where dance music is often subjected to ludicrous conceptual analysis, sometimes the combined effect of hot circuitry, sincerity, vivaciousness and an anomalous attitude are the only thing for it. But then again, this is not just dance music either…
キャリアからすると30年を超えるベテランですが、いつまで経ってもアングラを行き続けるレフトフィールドサウンドが最高!オープニングは不協和音で不穏なコードの中ズンズンと鳴らされるWAVE/ELECTROなトラック(sample1)。A2(sample2)では4つで鳴らされるキックに控えめなアシッドベースが付いていき、途切れとぎれなリバーブのかかったシンセとハイハットでひたすら攻めていく謎曲がどこか笑えてしまう。そしてハイライトとなるB1(sample3)ではバッチリクラブでも機能しそうな疾走感のあるミニマルアシッドで普通にカッコイイ!ラストとなるB2ではアンビエンスをいくつかのシンセのレイヤーで埋めながらもチープさが抜けないLO-FI感が堪らないアンビエントテクノ。愛着を感じる地下盤!! (日野)