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  • Cat No: SVRS002.2
  • updated:2020-10-08


12inch ---- JPY

THE WHO「EMINENCE FRONT」やゴドレイ&クレームのエディットだったSHELVED RECORDINGS 2.1に続いて「2.2」到着しました。ポリ・ステレオフォニック・サウンド。

Claremont 56やMusic For Dreams等とも関わるの深いマンチェスターのバレアリックマスターAndi Hanleyの匿名と言われるSHELVED RECORDINGS。スローモーなミステリアスな世界のA1、ミック・ジャガーとの絡みでも知られるマリアンヌ・フェイスフルのレイト70sのクレイジーな名曲「Broken English」のエディットはじめ、ロック、バレアリックなレフトフィールド・ディスコ3曲。 (サイトウ)


The second part of the two part set from SHELVED RECORDINGS !

Returning to a brief but very fruitful period in electronic music production, Shelved Recordings exists to look back to the golden age of the remix, with a clear view of the future it imagined.

Artists who were steered towards maverick producers, with a view to changing the rules, to re-defining the terms of what modern music should and could be.
Pioneering techniques, over-dubs and an exploratory period of pop production, resulted in many lost dub versions and mixes. Mixes, which invariably were left on the shelf, deemed too 'out there' by the bosses of the the hedonistic label managers who commissioned them.

Carefully reconstructed and rebuilt lost classics from someone who was there the first time around !

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