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Release The Beast

  • Cat No: BEWITH003SEVEN
  • updated:2020-01-29


7inch ---- JPY

のちにフリーソウル・ムーヴメントからの再評価されたクラシック”Work It Out”も有名な、フィラデルフィアの8人組ファンク・グループ・BREAKWATERによるキラー・エレクトロファンク”Release The Beast”が、名盤復刻専科の<BE WITH>から7インチ仕様でリイシュー。

DAFT PUNKの"ROBOT ROCK"ネタで1度はどこかで耳にしたことがある閃光エレクトリック・ギターのフレーズでお馴染み、BREAKWATERの'80年リリースのセカンドアルバム「SPLASHDOWN」からの2曲、GUTSも”Dance, Love & Die”でネタに引用したロッキンでマッチョなエレクトリックファンク”Release The Beast”と、トランペット奏者・GARY GRANTと女性シンガー・GENIE BROWNを客演に招いた爽快なファンクナンバー”Let Love In”とのカップリング!

Get Up! Time to release this beast on 7′’. Breakwater’s earth-shattering “Release The Beast” is unquestionably the standout song from their 1980 funk masterpiece LP Splashdown. It also came out as a now-hen’s-teeth-rare 7″ in the same year and when it came to putting it out as a 7″ again we just had to do it in a miniature version of the Splashdown sleeve. It’s one of the best album cover shoots of all time. For the b-side, we’ve backed Breakwater’s biggest track with Be With’s favourite: the quietly majestic gem “Let Love In”, another winner from the same LP. Possessing a sound and a feel that was lightyears ahead of its time, “Release The Beast” is a showcase for Breakwater’s phenomenal power-funk capabilities. The energy is astounding. It rips out of the grooves on a deep funk tip, with speaker-smashing, room-shaking drums competing with distorted funk-rock guitar, bumping bass and space-age synths. But it’s not without its compellingly haunting elements too. What else can we say? It’s a genius piece of music. And, yes, of course this is the tune Daft Punk sampled for their 2005 track “Robot Rock”. Let’s be blunt, they lifted the Philly act’s funk-rock vamping pretty much wholesale. But to be fair to them we wouldn’t have messed with the perfection of the original either and those Parisians shone a much-needed spotlight on an innovative band from the halcyon period of post-disco funk. On the flip, “Let Love In” is a smooth, easy glide that demonstrates Breakwater’s superb, sophisticated musicianship. The tight horn section and irresistible bass make for an undeniable groove. However, it also reveals a depth to their lyricism that’s often overlooked. In these dark days, the sentiment of the opening lines is truly one to we should all take to heart: “It feels good to be friends with everyone, Walk around and the feeli

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