- 12inch
- Recommended =
- New Release
The Popular People’s Front
Hot Peas ’n Butter
- Cat No: HPNB03
- updated:2019-10-08
CHRIS DUCKENFIELD(SWAG)を中心に「Last night a DJ saved my life」著者でdjhistory.comを運営してきたBILL BREWSTERとLEO ELSTOB(
A Mountain Of One etc..)の3人の覆面だったTHE POPULAR PEOPLE’S FRONTが久々のリリース!
Track List
HOT PEAS 'N BUTTER make it three for three with the long-serving and mysterious PPF crew pitching in !
As you've come to expect, we got four more dubbed out, extended and amended lost classics custom made for dancefloor euphoria
Time machine tear-ups from the golden era, as likely to be heard on Mom & Pop's turntable as they were rattling the cones on the home-made block party stacks or basement sound systems.
100% DJ material - and available in VERY short supply...you snooze, you lose !
Hand stamped vinyl only 12" series in poly-lined kraft sleeves
As you've come to expect, we got four more dubbed out, extended and amended lost classics custom made for dancefloor euphoria
Time machine tear-ups from the golden era, as likely to be heard on Mom & Pop's turntable as they were rattling the cones on the home-made block party stacks or basement sound systems.
100% DJ material - and available in VERY short supply...you snooze, you lose !
Hand stamped vinyl only 12" series in poly-lined kraft sleeves
THATMANMONKZ, SIMBAのシークレット・エディットをリリースしてきた〈HOT PEAS ’N BUTTER〉の第3弾!THE POPULAR PEOPLE’S FRONT。バルデリクラシックスJ.R. Bailey作79年のGordon's War の「The Rock Is Gonna Get You」やCROWN HEIGHTS AFFAIR 「Dance LAdy Dance」のエディット筆頭に4曲EP。 (サイトウ)