• 12inch
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  • Cat No: HPNB03
  • updated:2019-10-08


12inch ---- JPY

CHRIS DUCKENFIELD(SWAG)を中心に「Last night a DJ saved my life」著者でdjhistory.comを運営してきたBILL BREWSTERとLEO ELSTOB( A Mountain Of One etc..)の3人の覆面だったTHE POPULAR PEOPLE’S FRONTが久々のリリース!

THATMANMONKZ, SIMBAのシークレット・エディットをリリースしてきた〈HOT PEAS ’N BUTTER〉の第3弾!THE POPULAR PEOPLE’S FRONT。バルデリクラシックスJ.R. Bailey作79年のGordon's War の「The Rock Is Gonna Get You」やCROWN HEIGHTS AFFAIR 「Dance LAdy Dance」のエディット筆頭に4曲EP。 (サイトウ)

HOT PEAS 'N BUTTER make it three for three with the long-serving and mysterious PPF crew pitching in !

As you've come to expect, we got four more dubbed out, extended and amended lost classics custom made for dancefloor euphoria

Time machine tear-ups from the golden era, as likely to be heard on Mom & Pop's turntable as they were rattling the cones on the home-made block party stacks or basement sound systems.

100% DJ material - and available in VERY short supply...you snooze, you lose !

Hand stamped vinyl only 12" series in poly-lined kraft sleeves

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