- 2 x 12inch
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Kuru Kuru
Queen Nanny
- Cat No: QNLP003
- updated:2021-05-23
フィンランドのエレクトロピカル・アンサンブル・MAAJOの通算2枚目となるフルアルバム「KURU KURU」が、彼らの結成以来からの本拠地<QUEEN NANNY>からリリース!
Track List
The Finnish electropical ensemble Maajo is releasing their second full-length album "Kuru Kuru" on Queen Nanny records on March 2020. Three years after their sought-after debut, Maajo's African and Balearic influences now include more of the mysticism of Northern nature. The record resonates with a desire to connect across borders, and aspire to marvel at life on planet Earth. Live percussion, traditional balafons and kalimbas rattle and clang on top of drum machines and lively basslines. African High-life guitars dialogue with cheap vintage synths, electric pianos, birdsong, homemade flutes as well as the masterly vocalists: Senegalese Ismaila Sané, Zambian Waina and Beninese Akim Color.
The album begins upbeat with the drumming song Soma, followed by Esukey, a slice of Afro-pop cassette nostalgia with maestro Ismaila Sané on the vocals. A Song For Spring steers into mid-tempo funk, while Meje Ibo is a Turkish style 7-beat with West-African guitars and minimalist choir. The sparkly Ghana-inspired beach dancer Nkoranza and the acidy kalimba disco of Aamuapoltan head straight for the dancefloor, the midpoint of the journey.
Ismaila Sané's bonfire chant on Ito Urok leads the second half of the album on a nocturnal adventure. The hypnotic African mallets continue their work on the mysterious Jacana. Gbêmen Nayon is a ride down a flowing stream, while Akim Color sings a dirge. The percussive shamanistic hum-along trance of Yara Mantra points the way to the Waina-lead conscious dance anthem Lost Road.
The album begins upbeat with the drumming song Soma, followed by Esukey, a slice of Afro-pop cassette nostalgia with maestro Ismaila Sané on the vocals. A Song For Spring steers into mid-tempo funk, while Meje Ibo is a Turkish style 7-beat with West-African guitars and minimalist choir. The sparkly Ghana-inspired beach dancer Nkoranza and the acidy kalimba disco of Aamuapoltan head straight for the dancefloor, the midpoint of the journey.
Ismaila Sané's bonfire chant on Ito Urok leads the second half of the album on a nocturnal adventure. The hypnotic African mallets continue their work on the mysterious Jacana. Gbêmen Nayon is a ride down a flowing stream, while Akim Color sings a dirge. The percussive shamanistic hum-along trance of Yara Mantra points the way to the Waina-lead conscious dance anthem Lost Road.
キングサニーアデ黄金期、80年初頭の楽曲”MAA-JO”からバンドを名付け、同時にJIMI TENORやJESSEといった昔からフィンランドのシーンにおいてアフロミュージックの要素を表現してきた先達へのリスペクトを語るHERMAN PRIME a.k.a. JON THURESON率いる5人組・MAAJOのニューアルバム!毎年通っているユロヤルヴィ=クルへのコテージ旅行にて生まれたアイデアを元に、大自然との調和を試みサンプラーやドラムマシンから脱却し真冬の11月のレコーディング、前シングルにもフィーチャーされた、'99年からフィンランドで活躍するセネガルのISMAILA SANÉをはじめ、ザンビアのWAINA KOLOMWEやベナンのAKIM COLORといったバックボーンを持ったミュージシャンらをゲストに迎えた待望のフルアルバム!北欧の地まで届くイマジネーション、旧き良きアフロポップの躍動感とメロディーのシンプルさがハートに響いてくる、柔軟なミュージシャンシップとモダンでエレクトリックなアプローチから生まれた現行のアフロ・コズミック〜バレアリックな作品、全11トラックを収録の見開きゲートフォルドジャケット仕様の2枚組ヴァイナル!