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Kiwi Animals : Future/ Primitive Aotearoa

  • Cat No: SL105LP
  • updated:2024-10-14


NZのキーレーベルFLYINH NUN等で活躍したNZの奇才CHRIS KNOXやKIM BLACKBURN、HEADLESS CHICKENS、PZポストパンクPROPELLER関連のBLAM BLAM BLAM、BALLARE等を含むNZのニューウェイヴ、エクスペリメンタルポップ、アヴァンギャルドの最深部をコンパイルしたSTRANGELOVE、渾身のリリース。 (サイトウ)

Strangelove’s personal inventory of NZ 1980’s odd pop; ‘Kiwi Animals’ recasts the local charts in a parallel universe of misfit melodics, gonzo-tronics & strange waves. Channeling South Pacific voodoo and edge of world melancholia, the album highlights electronic tangents from iconic NZ groups Blam Blam Blam & Headless Chickens. It dredges the cassette revelations of art avante-gardists’ Drone & Kim Blackburn, alongside bittersweet moments from Rupert & Norma O’Malley. There’s the infectious minimal wave of Ballare and a reprised electro-boogie dance suite (?!) from Tom Ludvigson & Graeme Gash. The furthest depths of Flying Nun’s catalog are also plundered- a brilliant earworm from Stiff Herbert and a mysterious “Roger” Knox birthday promo. Mining disparate seams of a local indie label awakening, the various tangents of ‘Kiwi Animals’ congeal with a future/primitive sensibility and an underlying Antipodean mischievousness…

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