• 12inch
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  • Cat No: LOM004
  • updated:2021-03-01


12inch ---- JPY

90s イタロ・オールドスクール・テクノ。アシッドな怪しさ、知覚の扉を開く音世界、最高な一枚。マッドネスワールド。Roman Flügel, Gerd Janson & Shan リミックスも収録。

90sイタロ・テクノ!T.F.O. Feat. DJ F.FARFA - Just keep in your loveなどの当時のヒットで知られるFRANCESCO FARFAの'91年のLearn To Fly名義での「Peace Treaty」、FRANCESCO FARFA とも一緒に活動したMIKIの「Templares」。まずは両オリジナルが最高。そしてRoman Flügel, Gerd Janson & Shanの現在の冒険的テクノ・ダンスフロアの最高峰の両者のリミックス。RED AXESあたりとも繋がり展開しているDj TennisとMARVIN & GAUYのレーベルLIFE OF MARVINから。 (サイトウ)

Marvin & Guy and Dj Tennis are back with the fourth volume of their Life of Marvin imprint after the infamous repress from Roby J, Sick Hardcore (aka Gabry Fasano) and Model Citizen on the first 2 volumes, real pieces of art in the Dance music produced in the early 90s from these Italian legends, originally released on Franco Falsini’s Interactive Test record label, and after Dj Miki’s outstanding full dedicated EP in 2018.

On this 4th installment we can see the return of Miki with the track “Templares” (TEMPorary Low Audible RESonance) together, for the very first time even if they are colleagues and friends since 30 years, with another heavyweight better known as Francesco Farfa with the track “Peace Treaty”, both remastered and originally released on Interactive Test.

If you think this is it you’re definitely wrong, there are also 2 remixers, one for each track, responding to the names of Roman Flügel and Gerd Janson & Shan. It goes without saying that these gentlemen did a superb and highly respectful job. Quality at its best!

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