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Group Rhoda
Passing Shades
Dark Entries
- Cat No: DE-279
- updated:2021-07-02
淡色に歌うヴォーカルに掴まれる、古典ポストパンク/ニューウェーブに根付いたシンセポップ!ユニット”MAX + MARA”の片翼・MARA BARENBAUMの変名プロジェクトGROUP RHODAが〈DARK ENTRIES〉から2作目となるアルバムをリリース!モノトーンなサウンドパレッドに宿る牧歌的響き。
Track List
Group Rhoda, the solo project of Mara Barenbaum, returns to Dark Entries with ‘Passing Shades’. An integral member of the Oakland electronic music scene, Barenbaum has been writing, performing, and plunging into oneiric depths as Group Rhoda since 2009. This is the project’s fourth LP, and the third time Barenbaum has collaborated with Dark Entries; previously on the Max & Mara LP ‘Less Ness’ in 2013 and the Group Rhoda LP ‘Wilderless’ in 2017.
Passing Shades is an investigation of the metaphysics of loss and the transitory nature of the material world. But it is not a grim collection; over 8 songs, Group Rhoda diverges through synthesizer-laden symphonics, four-to-the-floor inflections, and cosmic musings. Barenbaum’s striking voice and singular songcraft guide us through this labyrinth. Arpeggiated waltz “Flow” channels wisdom sought through martial arts; “Earthly Ark” sets a Margaret Atwood poem from the God Gardener’s Hymn Book to somber electronics. The vocoded canticle “Nevermore” is dedicated to the memory of a beloved cat. ‘Passing Shades’ is both mystifying and revelatory. Folk forms are echoed only to detour into the alien. Each song functions as both a fragment of a larger puzzle and a koan unto itself.
‘Passing Shades’ was mastered by George Horn at Fantasy Studios. The sleeve was designed by Eloise Leigh, and features a hazy, clouded sky. The back cover uses a photograph by Harry Crofton.
Passing Shades is an investigation of the metaphysics of loss and the transitory nature of the material world. But it is not a grim collection; over 8 songs, Group Rhoda diverges through synthesizer-laden symphonics, four-to-the-floor inflections, and cosmic musings. Barenbaum’s striking voice and singular songcraft guide us through this labyrinth. Arpeggiated waltz “Flow” channels wisdom sought through martial arts; “Earthly Ark” sets a Margaret Atwood poem from the God Gardener’s Hymn Book to somber electronics. The vocoded canticle “Nevermore” is dedicated to the memory of a beloved cat. ‘Passing Shades’ is both mystifying and revelatory. Folk forms are echoed only to detour into the alien. Each song functions as both a fragment of a larger puzzle and a koan unto itself.
‘Passing Shades’ was mastered by George Horn at Fantasy Studios. The sleeve was designed by Eloise Leigh, and features a hazy, clouded sky. The back cover uses a photograph by Harry Crofton.
PATRICK COWLEYなどのコア&カルトな発掘復刻を進める本レーベル〈DARK ENTRIES〉だけでなく、YONG YONGやMOLLY NILSSONも名を残すグラスゴーのウェイヴ/シンセポップ専科〈NIGHT SCHOOL〉からも出しているGROUP RHODAの新作アルバムをストック!アルペジオラッシュ×ノリ良く跳ねるマシンビートで進行するシンセダンスポップ「Twin Studies」(sample1)や、スカスカのドラムマシンと不協和音な鍵盤の組み合わせでオーガニックな質感を創生した「Mute」(sample3)、オクターブ奏法のベースに合わせ迷宮のようにミステリアスなメロディに歌いあげる「This Flame」(sample2)など、淡々粛々とした歌い口が何とも耳に残る8つのシンセポップ。 (Akie)