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Interstellar Funk / Guenter Råler
Scores III
- Cat No: DKMNTL069
- updated:2022-01-19
'17年からスタートしたオランダの視聴覚研究所(The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision)と「DEKMANTEL」とのコラヴォレーション。フィルム映像にアーティストが音楽演奏を加えるといった取り組みである「SCORES」のパート3。
Label Text "Dekmantel once again teams up with RE:VIVE, the cultural initiative setup by the The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, to pair modern electronic talent with Dutch archival footage. The third EP in the Scores series sees Interstellar Funk and Italian producer Guenter Råler create innovative, modular soundscapes to the graceful visual arts unearthed from the EYE Filmmuseum archives.
As Interstellar Funk, Olf van Elden uses his production competency to craft a heavenly arpeggiated, synth composition to the amateur aquarium movies by J.L. Clement which are edited for this project by Sjoerd Martens. Filmed in the 1940’s, the video’s turn-of-the-century black-and-white style aquatic footage is reanimated through van Elden’s tacit polyphonic, modular sonic soundtrack. Layering together multiple sequences, van Elden pieces together the music as a whole, to mimic the way in which the film was created.
On the B-Side, Italian abstract artist and Dutch native Guenter Raler concocts a deeply introspective, and perfectly choreographed, ambient soundtrack to a select series of pieced together clips from the Collectie Natuurbeelden, [the Institute’s Collection of Natural Images]. The music plays against the depiction of multiple biological communities in transition; what is referred to as an ecotone. The title itself not only recalls that of a musical tone, but represents the ever-evolving aspect of life and nature as similar colours, along with movements of animals and plants pass on from one image to the next.
Within their own right, the new scores not only give the age-old films new context and sonic character, but exist as creative works as their own, full of resonance and individualism that highlight the retrospective artists’ voices to their fullest."
As Interstellar Funk, Olf van Elden uses his production competency to craft a heavenly arpeggiated, synth composition to the amateur aquarium movies by J.L. Clement which are edited for this project by Sjoerd Martens. Filmed in the 1940’s, the video’s turn-of-the-century black-and-white style aquatic footage is reanimated through van Elden’s tacit polyphonic, modular sonic soundtrack. Layering together multiple sequences, van Elden pieces together the music as a whole, to mimic the way in which the film was created.
On the B-Side, Italian abstract artist and Dutch native Guenter Raler concocts a deeply introspective, and perfectly choreographed, ambient soundtrack to a select series of pieced together clips from the Collectie Natuurbeelden, [the Institute’s Collection of Natural Images]. The music plays against the depiction of multiple biological communities in transition; what is referred to as an ecotone. The title itself not only recalls that of a musical tone, but represents the ever-evolving aspect of life and nature as similar colours, along with movements of animals and plants pass on from one image to the next.
Within their own right, the new scores not only give the age-old films new context and sonic character, but exist as creative works as their own, full of resonance and individualism that highlight the retrospective artists’ voices to their fullest."
COVID-19の影響によってキャンセルとなったDEKMANTEL FESTIVALに代わり開催された「SCORES III」。これまでのシリーズ展開とは違ったプロセスを挙げ、国の膨大な資料コレクションの中からアーティスト自ら映像をチョイスして編集を加え、全く新しいヴィジュアル作品を作成し、そこに音楽をのせるという行程で制作された実験プログラム。カルトなN.W.〜インダストリアル音楽のオーソリティ・INTERSTELLAR FUNKによる、40年代のモノクロ/水中生物の映像をモチーフに、3つのシンセが繰り返す旋律による恍惚。ラヴェルやクラフトワークなど想起させるプリミティヴな螺旋輪曲”Seasonshore Sequences”。オランダを拠点に活動するイタリア出身の芸術家、クィア理論〜オーディオヴィジュアルetc.マルチで実験的な活躍目覚ましいGUENTER RÅLERが、自然・生物の学習クリップを素材に再編したヴィデオに対峙して、エッジの効いた展開がスリリングに深く内省的な振動圧ドローン、電子・環境音をスコアに仕上げた”Ecotone”。両者両面ともに15分超えのイマジナリーなサウンドスケープを披露しています。