• 12inch
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Bells In The Dmz

  • Cat No: HGHLF025
  • updated:2022-02-04


12inch ---- JPY

AUNTIE FLOが韓国に滞在して制作。A1はAKIMBO主宰のTonal Unityからリリースしている韓国の伝統楽器テグム(竹笛)奏者Seungmin Cha(차승민)をフィーチャリング。B-SIDEはAKIMBOの曲をリミックス。

ALTZやGROUNDはじめ各地のミューッシャン/DJともコネクション広い韓国ソウルのキーマンAKIMBOとのコラヴォレーション。朝鮮半島の軍事境界線(DMZ)での(平和の)ベルのフィールドれコーデイングをベースに栄作した「Peace Bells」はテグム(竹笛)奏者Seungmin Chaをフィーチャリング。B-SIDEは、AKIMBOノをリミックスいたもので韓国のことのような伝統楽器、カヤグムをフィーチャリング。アートワークはDa-iN Kim(다인킴)。日本とは近いけど、違う感性、韓国、アジアのスピリチュアル感、密教、いなたいレトロなニューエイジ感、プログレ、トランス、韓国/アフロ・アヴァンギャルド。興味深い。 (サイトウ)

Track List

  • A1. AUNTIE FLO - Peace Bells

  • B2. AKIMBO - High Flight (Auntie Flo Remix)

In 2019, in a world before the global pandemic, Auntie Flo continued his one man mission to connect with musicians all over the world, this time visiting South Korea to record 'Bells In The DMZ'. This mission has seen previously forged collaborative recordings in Cuba, Uganda, the Arctic Circle and more over a ten year career giving birth to countless releases and culminating in the SAY award-winning album 'Radio Highlife' in 2019 released on Gilles Peterson's Brownswood.

Bells In The DMZ see's Auntie Flo return to his own Highlife imprint and contains two tracks, 'Peace Bells', which features field recordings taking in the unique DMZ area that divides the North and South, and 'High Flight', which is a remix of a track originally created by his host Akimbo. Both tracks centre around traditional instruments from Korea, such as the daegeum played by Seungmin Cha and the gayageum played by Oh Yeon Gyeong.

The artwork was created specially by Korean artist Da-in Kim and will be available as a print as part of the release.

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