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Via Maris
Do You Have Peace?
- Cat No: DHYP005
- updated:2022-04-15
抑揚するシンセアンビエンスと反復ヴォーカル、白昼夢/非現実的な音空間を貫くビートラッシュ。〈TIMEDANCE〉〈LIVITY SOUND〉〈MISTRY〉などのベースニュージック前線より幻想的な作品を発表してきたVIA MARISが、ブリストルJABU(YOUNG ECHO)のレーベル〈DO YOU HAVE PEACE?〉より7インチシングル!
I couldn't see the sun,
but the fog glowed red
in its direction.
After half an hour
I came out into a large, open space.
It was almost round,
a few hundred meters across.
At that point,
I noticed a change in the Ocean.
The waves disappeared.
The surface became almost transparent,
with clouded patches.
Yellow sludge gathered beneath it.
It rose up in thin strips
and sparkled like glass.
Then it began to seethe,
boil and harden.
It looked like molasses.
This sludge or slime
gathered into large lumps
and slowly formed
different shapes.
I was being drawn into the fog,
so I had to struggle
against this for some time.
When I looked down again,
I saw a sort of garden.
but the fog glowed red
in its direction.
After half an hour
I came out into a large, open space.
It was almost round,
a few hundred meters across.
At that point,
I noticed a change in the Ocean.
The waves disappeared.
The surface became almost transparent,
with clouded patches.
Yellow sludge gathered beneath it.
It rose up in thin strips
and sparkled like glass.
Then it began to seethe,
boil and harden.
It looked like molasses.
This sludge or slime
gathered into large lumps
and slowly formed
different shapes.
I was being drawn into the fog,
so I had to struggle
against this for some time.
When I looked down again,
I saw a sort of garden.
ブリストルのアーティスト・コレクティブ"YOUNG ECHO"内のユニットJABUがアンビエント/実験音楽の視点でサウンドシステムミュージックを切り開く〈DO YOU HAVE PEACE?〉より。ラッシュするビートとヴォーカルリフレインが併走、膨張収縮を繰り返すシンセアンビエントが包み込む「Lekky」(sample1)。ノスタルジックなアンビエントでヴォーカルハミングが宙を漂う「Hiblrr」(sample2)のダブルサイダーシングル。 (Akie)