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Bahia Fantastica

  • Cat No: GGLP 021
  • updated:2023-02-12

'10年代のブラジル音楽、屈指の一枚とも言われるRODRIGO CAMPOS(ホドリゴ・カンポス)の2012年のアルバム「Bahia Fantastica」のアナログをストックしています。

現行Mpb、サイケデリック・ブラジリアンサウンド、サンパウロ出身、Tom ZeやArthur Verocalなどのスピリットを受け継ぐようなバンドPasso Tortoでも活動するRodrigo Camposの2012年アルバム。アフロ・ブラジリアン、ボサノバ、サンバをベースにジャズ、ロック、ヘヴィなアンサンブル、エレクトロニクス、ダブなどのサイケデリック感覚を纏いアウトプット。Passo Tortoのメンバーに、M.TAKARAの名前もクレジットにあります。クルーさとクレイジーさが交錯するサウンド。Rushhour経由で現行サンパウロのレーベルGoma Gringa discosからアナログ再発。 (サイトウ)

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Originally released in 2012, the second album by the São Paulo-born composer Rodrigo Campos marks a turning point in both lyrical and aesthetic inspiration. “Bahia Fantástica” is the result of the absorption of a then recent influence of soul music (especially Curtis Mayfield) and is in the middle of this path marked by an unlikely geography in the lyrical part (São Mateus, Bahia, Japan) and by an expansion of sound ( from samba to the indefinable, with a passage through black American music).

The album turns ten years old in 2022 and exudes vitality. The soul reference takes on a different aroma when it passes through the filter of the composer and his band – formed by Kiko Dinucci on guitar, Marcelo Cabral on bass, Maurício Fleury on keyboards, Maurício Takara on drums and Thiago França on sax: it has Brazilian sauce, hints of afrobeat and a very particular seasoning. The lyrics bear the artist's mark: they project scenes in the listener's imagination and design the characters and environments with their own style of subjective chronicle. Bahia is both imaginary and intimate in Rodrigo Campos’s music.

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