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0104 / E-Maniac

  • Cat No: ESP111
  • updated:2023-05-23


12inch 2690 JPY

〈ESP Institute〉からJasper Jamesのニューリリース。メタリックなトライバル・ビートのダンストラック。「0104 / E-Maniac」。

父親のDJ HARRIとESA (WILLIAMS)のプロジェクトHillhead Young Teamのリミックス入りでOptimo Traxからデビュー、MALL GRABの〈Steel City Dance Discs〉等からもリリースしているグラスゴーのJasper James。A-SIDEは。メタリックなトライバル・ビート、ヴォイスチョップやSE的なシンセをまといながら疾走するダンストラック。B-SIDEは、ストロングなイーブンキック、トライバルで、ポストパンクな感じもあるようなレフトフィールドなハウストラック。パワフル。 (サイトウ)

Jasper James fights for what he wants to be, cuz function is the key. This is his first offering for the ESP Institute, and after many trials and tribulations with the pressing plants, everyone’s patience is now handsomely rewarded. On the A side, '0141' is percussion-based track utilizing a variety of overdriven metallic percussion and petite vocal snips that roll up neatly into a seductive rhythm. This is one for the hips and hands, with instrumentation chopped into short staccato spikes, Jasper invites impulsive body theatrics and the freedom to spastically express oneself. On the flip, 'E-Maniac' is a bona-fide tops-off Summer anthem if we ever heard one. What would typically qualify as an A-side banger, we’ve decided would better suit our contrarian leanings as a nice Easter egg, just to make sure you’re actually listening. This one drives hard, shuffling at a maniacal pace with gut-bending bass notes and stuttered pad stabs. These two songs will ping your pong and pong your ping.

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