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Hastings Of Malawi
Choreological Exchanges
Sub Rosa
- Cat No: SRV529
- updated:2023-08-11
Nurse With Wound周辺のブリティッシュ・ダダイスト・グループHastings Of Malawi。電子回路以前の電話交換機の音、信号、ノイズ、交換手の声などを使用した 「Choreological Exchanges」。〈Sun Rosa〉からのアナログリリース。
Recorded at the height of the global pandemic, and at a time when remote communication was becoming increasingly prevalent, "Choreological Exchanges" is part of Hastings Of Malawi's continuing investigations into the medium of communication itself.
Prior to telephony becoming digital, all phone calls were routed through mechanical telephone exchanges, and the majority of the sounds on side one are the sounds of these exchanges and some of the voices of the engineers who worked with them.
"It is a dance record but not in the way that these are usually understood. An invitation to dance appears twelve minutes in on the first side. It is a dance within the wires, movement around noise used as a sculptural aterial rather than unwanted signals and a joyful exploration of sonic materiality.
The second side begins with the voice of a telephone engineer, who states that in the top floor switch room of the exchange is the only vestige of human control. Is this top floor switch room the human brain? The sounds on this side, float between the mechanical telephone exchange and the body where the messages are created and interpreted - it is an exploration of the relationship between thought and the material devices in which telephone sound is propagated and transformed. Side two ends with a long list of randomly generated words created by digital voice synthesis".
Hastings of Malawi
Prior to telephony becoming digital, all phone calls were routed through mechanical telephone exchanges, and the majority of the sounds on side one are the sounds of these exchanges and some of the voices of the engineers who worked with them.
"It is a dance record but not in the way that these are usually understood. An invitation to dance appears twelve minutes in on the first side. It is a dance within the wires, movement around noise used as a sculptural aterial rather than unwanted signals and a joyful exploration of sonic materiality.
The second side begins with the voice of a telephone engineer, who states that in the top floor switch room of the exchange is the only vestige of human control. Is this top floor switch room the human brain? The sounds on this side, float between the mechanical telephone exchange and the body where the messages are created and interpreted - it is an exploration of the relationship between thought and the material devices in which telephone sound is propagated and transformed. Side two ends with a long list of randomly generated words created by digital voice synthesis".
Hastings of Malawi
1981年に1STレコーディングを行なっているトリオ。Nurse With Wound結成当初から90年代初頭にかけてSteven StapletonとJohn Fothergillと3人オリジナルメンバーだったHeman Pathakと、David HodesとJohn Grieve(二人もNurse With Woundの1STのレコーデイングに参加してる)。