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Music Is My Life

  • Cat No: LRKLP05
  • 2024-05-20

UKソウル・チャート1位獲得。数々のDJ達によるプレイ&サポート、UKラジオ各局でオンエアが続いているUKソウル・シーンを代表するシンガー、ディーヴァNATASHA WATTSによるニューアルバム(4th)傑作「Music Is My Life」が待望アナログLP化!!!穏やかで優しく心落ち着くいい曲ばかり。推薦盤。

10年以上にわたり最高のライブパフォーマンスと愛すべきキャラクターで人気を博すUKソウル・ディーヴァ歌姫Natasha Watts待望ニューアルバム。タイトル「Music Is My Life」通り、アルバム・オープニングを飾る爽快で心地ちいいA1「I Am Me」(sample1)、即完売した先行シングルB3「Brighter Days」(sample2)、Ziggy Funkプロデュース/アレンジのA2「Home」A3「Not What You Think」など全11曲それぞれに珠玉、90年代王道ソウルフルR&Bの流れを汲みながら音楽を奏でることへの喜びに溢れたエモーショナル且つ成熟した洗練の現行モダン・ソウルR&Bの傑作アルバムが誕生している。 (コンピューマ)



Having had huge success on the UK soul scene for over ten years, Natasha's live performances and vivacious personality have made her one of the leading UK female soul independent artists in the UK.

Her new album delivers a gritty, mature, and well-rounded soul sound that is unique. So, buy and enjoy the beautiful voice and that is Natasha Watts.

The album got to Number one in the UK soul chart

Regularly played on all the soul stations (Solar, Starpoint, Soul Groove Radio etc)

Songs of the ALBUM Played on BBC Radio London , BBC Radio Two, Jazz FM, MI-Soul, London Music Radio

The 7" Which includes Brighter Days / I Do, I Did, I'm Done sold out in the Pre-Orders stage.

Support from Chris Philips, Sly, Mickey D, Kyodai, Michael Linney, Dj Pope, Pete Haigh, Timo Maas, Simbad (Yoruba Affil), Dan Montuschi, Tim Spurrier, Martin Lodge, Steve KIW, Superfly FM, Claus Mitterhuemer, Osric, Daz I Kue, Paul Miller, Craig Smith (Yoruba Affil), Cee ElAssaad, Satoshi Fumi, DJ Rahdu, Jan Kincl, Kenny Carpenter, Bill Bucks, Opolopo, Ahmet Gunes, Mr V, Ridney, Klaus Wing, Ian Friday, Eddy Ramich, and Marcus Agerman Ross

“Love it!”
Chris Phillips — Jazz FM

“Excellent as always!”
Mickey D — Mi-Soul

“Very nice groove!”
DJ Pope — DJ

“Soulful excellence!”
Greg Edwards — Mi-Soul

“Super nice song.. Great voice!”
Timo Mass — DJ

“So very Powerful!”
Sumsuch — Colour and pitch /BBE/5 magazine/South coast UK

“Lovely stuff from Natasha”
DJ Sly — Colourful Radio London

“Music Is My Life’ was a collection of classy contemporary soul grooves that showed Ms W’s long experience in the business (work with DJ Spen and the Cool Million team and her own previous four solo sets for starters)”
Bill Buckley — SoulJazzandFunk

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