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Our House Is Barnhus

  • Cat No: BARN 089
  • updated:2023-11-09


12inch 2790 JPY

FaltyDLが〈Studio Barnhus〉からハウス的なアプローチの「Our House Is Barnhus」と「Gut Punch」の2曲でEPリリース。レイジーで、ドリーミーな感触と、奥行きを感じさせるエレクトニック、確実なグルーヴで魅せます。B-SIDEはPEPE BROADOCKの「Burning」を彷彿させつつ、ノスタルジックこちらも世界観に奥行きのあるディープトラック。

自身の〈Blueberry Records〉を拠点に、〈Ninja Tune/Techniclor〉, 〈Swamp 81〉、〈Planet Mu〉、〈Unkown To the Unknown〉などからもリリースしてきたNYCブルックリンのFaltyDL。Studio Barnhusから3作目となる12インチ「Our House Is Barnhus」をリリース。PEPE BRADOCKやST. GERMANのフレンチタッチを彷彿させるとレーベルも紹介しています。レーベル名にも含まれる「子供の家」といった意味合いを持ったスエーデン語「Barnhus」。フォントの感じもかわいいアートワーク。 (サイトウ)

A very special autumnal presentation from FaltyDL & Studio Barnhus, in the form of a perfect little slab of 12'' vinyl, exhibiting the love for the classic house sound that burns within the hearts of the prolific New York producer as well as the Swedish dance music powerhouse.

In particular, this record honours and updates the deeper side of the French touch – think Pépé Bradock and early St. Germain – fully displaying the state-of-the-art production skills and emotional depth always present in Drew Lustman's music.

Known for his shapeshifting sound, FaltyDL has been releasing explorative electronic music for over a decade, switching his sound up intuitively across 6 albums, remixes for The xx and Mount Kimbie, executive production credits for Mykki Blanco and a multitude of singles and EPs, including two previous Studio Barnhus editions in 2021 and 2019.

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