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なのるなもない x YAMAAN
studio melhentrips
- Cat No: SMT-001
- updated:2023-11-01
志人とのユニット「降神」での活動でも知られるラッパー・スポークンアーティストなのるなもないと、Chiyoriとのデュオ、Temple ATSでの活動でも知られるアンビエント/ヒップホップVHSブラウン管アート・プロデューサー、トラックメイカーYAMAANによる初の共作アルバム「水月」CD入荷致しました。
Track List
YAMAANは降神や多彩なアーティストが在籍するクルーTemple ATSのメンバーとして活動を開始。アンビエントや
ヒップホップ、ハウスなどを行き来しながら活動し、’20年に『幻想区域EP』 を発表。’21年にはアンビエントとメン
フィスラップにインスパイアされたCHIYORIとの共作「Mystic High」を発表した。
なのるなもないとYAMAANは2005年の”melhentrips” 収録の“shermanship” をはじめとして多くの楽曲を生み出してき
な社会に対するリリックをトラップサウンドの上で綴った『Criminal Spirituals』など、なのるなもないとYAMAANの
様々な側面が表現された8 曲入りのアルバムとなっている。
アルバム中の2曲にはTemple ATSのメンバーでもあり、数々のDJバトルでも実績を残してきた DJ SHUNがスクラッ
チで参加。楽曲の世界観に呼応した音楽的でスキルフルなスクラッチを演奏 してくれている。
そしてオリジナルアートワークをもとにデザイナーTakara Ohashiがディレクションを担当。今回モノとしてリリース
本作は自主レーベル「studio melhentrips」からの記念すべき第一作。フィジカルはCD、デジタルはBandcamp、スト
Lyrics by なのるなもない
Produced by YAMAAN
All songs recorded @ Studio Melhentrips
All songs mixed by YAMAAN
Mastering by YAMAAN
Track4&6 Scratches by DJ SHUN
Track5 Chorus by toto
Original Artwork by 白水麻耶子
Design by Takara Ohashi
YAMAANは降神や多彩なアーティストが在籍するクルーTemple ATSのメンバーとして活動を開始。アンビエントや
ヒップホップ、ハウスなどを行き来しながら活動し、’20年に『幻想区域EP』 を発表。’21年にはアンビエントとメン
フィスラップにインスパイアされたCHIYORIとの共作「Mystic High」を発表した。
なのるなもないとYAMAANは2005年の”melhentrips” 収録の“shermanship” をはじめとして多くの楽曲を生み出してき
な社会に対するリリックをトラップサウンドの上で綴った『Criminal Spirituals』など、なのるなもないとYAMAANの
様々な側面が表現された8 曲入りのアルバムとなっている。
アルバム中の2曲にはTemple ATSのメンバーでもあり、数々のDJバトルでも実績を残してきた DJ SHUNがスクラッ
チで参加。楽曲の世界観に呼応した音楽的でスキルフルなスクラッチを演奏 してくれている。
そしてオリジナルアートワークをもとにデザイナーTakara Ohashiがディレクションを担当。今回モノとしてリリース
本作は自主レーベル「studio melhentrips」からの記念すべき第一作。フィジカルはCD、デジタルはBandcamp、スト
Lyrics by なのるなもない
Produced by YAMAAN
All songs recorded @ Studio Melhentrips
All songs mixed by YAMAAN
Mastering by YAMAAN
Track4&6 Scratches by DJ SHUN
Track5 Chorus by toto
Original Artwork by 白水麻耶子
Design by Takara Ohashi
Rapper and spoken word artist Nanorunamonoi and producer and beat maker YAMAAN present their co-produced album "Suigetsu".
Nanorunamonai has been active in the unit "Origami" with Sibitt since around 2002, greatly expanding the boundaries of Japanese hip-hop's linguistic expression. As a solo artist, he has released works such as "melhentrips" and "Akasha No Kuchibiru," expressing himself with both rap and spoken word, picking up the microcosms in everyday life with a poetic sensibility.
YAMAAN began his career as a member of Temple ATS, a crew that includes Origami and a variety of other artists. In 2020, he released the “Gensou Kuiki EP" and in 2021, he released "Mystic High," a collaboration with CHIYORI inspired by ambient music and memphis rap.
YAMAAN and Nanorunamonoi have produced a number of tracks together, including "shermanship" from 2005's "melhentrips," but this is the first time they have collaborated on a full album. As the title "Suigetsu" suggests, the work represents one of Nanorunamonai's microcosms, drifting through its runtime with a mood of elegance and stillness.
The album opens with “Bluer than Our Sky” with its fresh new age ambient sound and midsummer daydream-like lyrics, while "Beacon" is a powerful poem over a lively beat that reflects on time and the idea of life and death. Over the course of the eight-track album, we experience various dimensions of Nanorunamonoi and YAMAAN, including the deep house sound with sensual lyrics and scratching on “Be Kind...”, and lyrics about an absurd and violent society over a trap beat on "Criminal Spirituals".
DJ SHUN, who is also a member of Temple ATS and has proven himself in numerous DJ battles, scratches on two of the tracks on the album. His musical and skillful scratches respond to the world view of the tracks.
The original artwork for the album is by Mayako Hakusui, a painter living in Onomichi. The paintings, which have a mysterious comforting feeling like a deep green forest or shoreline, expand the world view of "Suigetsu".
Designer Takara Ohashi is in charge of direction based on the original artwork and supervised the design. The jacket, which can be assembled into a boxed garden, emphasizes the enjoyment of releasing the album as a physical object.
This is the first work from the independent label "studio melhentrips". The physical version will be released on CD, and the digital on Bandcamp and streaming.
Nanorunamonai has been active in the unit "Origami" with Sibitt since around 2002, greatly expanding the boundaries of Japanese hip-hop's linguistic expression. As a solo artist, he has released works such as "melhentrips" and "Akasha No Kuchibiru," expressing himself with both rap and spoken word, picking up the microcosms in everyday life with a poetic sensibility.
YAMAAN began his career as a member of Temple ATS, a crew that includes Origami and a variety of other artists. In 2020, he released the “Gensou Kuiki EP" and in 2021, he released "Mystic High," a collaboration with CHIYORI inspired by ambient music and memphis rap.
YAMAAN and Nanorunamonoi have produced a number of tracks together, including "shermanship" from 2005's "melhentrips," but this is the first time they have collaborated on a full album. As the title "Suigetsu" suggests, the work represents one of Nanorunamonai's microcosms, drifting through its runtime with a mood of elegance and stillness.
The album opens with “Bluer than Our Sky” with its fresh new age ambient sound and midsummer daydream-like lyrics, while "Beacon" is a powerful poem over a lively beat that reflects on time and the idea of life and death. Over the course of the eight-track album, we experience various dimensions of Nanorunamonoi and YAMAAN, including the deep house sound with sensual lyrics and scratching on “Be Kind...”, and lyrics about an absurd and violent society over a trap beat on "Criminal Spirituals".
DJ SHUN, who is also a member of Temple ATS and has proven himself in numerous DJ battles, scratches on two of the tracks on the album. His musical and skillful scratches respond to the world view of the tracks.
The original artwork for the album is by Mayako Hakusui, a painter living in Onomichi. The paintings, which have a mysterious comforting feeling like a deep green forest or shoreline, expand the world view of "Suigetsu".
Designer Takara Ohashi is in charge of direction based on the original artwork and supervised the design. The jacket, which can be assembled into a boxed garden, emphasizes the enjoyment of releasing the album as a physical object.
This is the first work from the independent label "studio melhentrips". The physical version will be released on CD, and the digital on Bandcamp and streaming.
自然と調和する白昼夢的ドリーミー・ニューエイジ・アンビエント・エレクトロニカ民話ラップ/ヒップホップ作品とでも呼ぶべき、詩情溢れる語り部ポエトリーのような、なのるなもないによるラップ、スポークンワーズ、そして、森の中、柔らかくあたたく差し込む日差し、森林浴のような瑞々しいメランコリック・アンビエント・ニューエイジ・メディテーショナルなエレクトロニック、エレクトロニカなYAMAANによるヒップホップ4/4ライトハウス的トラックメイクに優しく包まれるコンセプチャルな8トラック。個人的には、5「VIBLE」(sample2)ERIC B&RAKIM「Paid In Full」The Coldcut Remixオマージュ、オーガニック・ディープハウス的な8「優しくして」(sample3)Temple ATSメンバーDJ SHUNによるスキフルなスクラッチが最高すぎて泣けてきました。アルバム6曲目「空よりも青く」(sample1)のYAMAANによるMVも必見。
尾道在住の画家、白水麻耶子による深い緑の森や水辺のような不思議な心地よさを持った絵画と歌詞による、飛び出す絵本のような、愛情あふれる情熱ハンドメイドDIYジャケット・アートワーク装丁にもグッとくる。 (コンピューマ)