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  • Cat No: IRIAI-B
  • updated:2024-11-20



ベルリンを中心にヨーロッパの主にDIYな音楽シーンで活動してきた大阪の電子音楽家。DJ。IKU SAKANによる数の異なる声が脈打つ幻想的アンビエント・ノイズ!?新感覚な聴覚体験。ミニマルな展開の中に有機的なエレクトロニクスが上手く交差した作品で様々な角度から楽しめる作品。コペンハーゲンを拠点とする実験音響レーベル〈IRIAI VERLAG〉からリリースされた作品。クラブ・リスニングどちらでもお勧め。少量ですがストックしています!

2017年、日・デンマーク国交樹立150周年記念イベント "Opposite 2017" に関連し帰国。 2018年より大阪住之江区北加賀屋 "音ビル" にてプライベート音楽スタジオICECREAM MUSICを日野浩志郎、西川文章と共同運営しているIku Sakan。レフトフィールドな視点で実験精神が横溢したポスト・ダンスミュージック?アンビエント・ノイズ?音ビルクラシックス?未知の可能性を秘めた内容。皆様是非‼︎ (hamon)

I see lucid blue flames moving before my eyes.
I hear voices melting. Voices somewhere from within.
Speaking words I do not know but feel connected to, almost as if I have known the meaning once..
Noises that obscures the multiple pictures hidden in these digital compositions.
Iku Sakan have created a set of five tracks that takes the listener on a
trip deep into the human psyché. Emotional flickering movements that twists and turns. The albums have a darker, much more intense feel than some of Ikus earlier magical and often hypnotic music. A myriad of different voices creates pulsing patterns and constantly morphing pictures for my inner eye. It's an album that might work as a hack to our lingual structures, pushing limits, pushing possibilities of meaning.

A pool of over-saturated information boils and out of the vapor new contours take form.
The magical and hypnotic is not gone, I still recognise the softer aspects of Ikus highly detailed hybrid sound design. But I no longer see where it takes me. It excites me. It feels like the world is expanding again, breathing. The sounds on the album asks us questions and points in several directions at once. In the shadows, weeds of lucid dreams grow deeper roots, reaching for my inner ear.

The faint sounds on the track Nature Morte reminds me of expeditions to the local witch house ruins as a child. Something almost not there, something felt. History, Memories and the connection between the two seems to have played a part in these compositions. Emotional reactions that plant reactions in other people, all around creating soft movements on the face of our planet.

Whether our collective psyché is an open field or an impenetrable dark forest, is of less concern with a key like Omnitopoeia, that works like an enhanced mirror, reflecting the dreams of the words we speak everyday, reflecting the emotional charges of significant places. Unrecognisable but still remembered.


composed, produced & mixed by Iku Sakan


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