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Learning To Let Go

  • Cat No: ESC013
  • updated:2024-07-30

〈EGLO〉、〈2000 Black〉や〈WIld Oatsなど〉からもリリースのあるK15ことKieron Ifillの変名プロジェクトCulross Closeの新作アルバム。じっくり美くしく、魔法のような音の世界。

K15の別名義Culross Closeによるジャズ・アルバム。マラカスやチャイムを背後に、ゆったりとピアノを奏でる「Becoming Present」で幕開け、アフリカン、スピリチュアル・ジャズ、ドラムや打ち込みのビートも交えながら、ストリングスもフィーリャリングし美しいメロディーを奏でるの大作「Letting Be」など。Culross CLOSE名義でのラストアルバムになるそうです。 (サイトウ)

Esencia is beyond proud to share the fourth and final album by Culross Close. Like previous albums it’s both inward and outward facing, something for the individual and the group and ‘Learning To Let Go’ follows this tradition.
Becoming Present is a peaceful refrain, littered with percussion and devotion, encouraging the listener to sit with what is, while Reactive State taps into something else entirely. It’s a hard-hitting ride filled with percussion and decimated drums, woven i nto a serenading flute that captures the mind for the song’s duration.
The mood changes with Attachments. A tale of two halves, twisting between hypnotic and swirling.
Surrender requires time and immersion, as the listener bears witness to an enthralling i nteraction between drums and keys,eventually drifting into the soul-inflected Grounding.
The magic in Letting Be unfolds naturally. From the majestic string and harp
arrangements, to the metronome of the percussion, each musician finds
equanimity, place and peace in the composition.
Letting Go...well, that speaks for itself.

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