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The Coin EP Vol.2

  • Cat No: TLM036
  • updated:2025-02-14


12inch 2550 JPY

トライバルなリズムの刻み、ピアノ、鍵盤と、ベースのグルーヴのTHE ROBINSON「Passion Is The Key」+1のA-SIDEと、TAKAHIRO FUCHIGAMIのジャズ・ブロークンビート「 Jazzing Bird」筆頭に、こちらもすばらいいTAKAHIRO FUCHIGAMIサイドは3曲。

イタリアのハウス/フューチャージャズ〜ジャズフュージョン、Ten Lovers MusicからのEP。A-SIDEは、ミラノを拠点に、Rye Recordsを主宰して活動するデュオThe Robinson。B-SIDEは、ニューヨークをベースに活動しているプロデューサーTakahiro Fuchigami。 (サイトウ)

We end the year with the second in our series of The Coin EP featuring a different artist on each side. In case you missed Volume 1 - TLM033 it featured Cumulative Collective and Re:Fill in September 2023. This time on side A we have Italian brothers The Robinson who have previously released their track Song 1 on TLM034. They are back once again with two superb jazz infused house tracks, Passion Is The Key and A Satisfying Day. Both ideal for the dancefloor.
Moving onto the AA side and someone who has become a TLM regular, namely Japanese artist Takahiro Fuchigami who supplies us with three amazing tracks; Jazzing Bird, How’s That Sound? and In Motion. Fantastic broken beat from one of Japan’s rising stars. If you missed his two tracks that we previously released on TLM034 - Strange Acquaintance and TLM035 - Outer Heaven, you need to check them out.

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