- 12inch
- Recommended =
- New Release
DJ Gene
G-Spot Edits
Oye Edits
- Cat No: OYEEDITS008
- updated:2018-08-30
ベルリンのハウス/ディスコ・ラインをリードするレコードショップOYE RECORDSのリエディット・シリーズ!
For our 8th release in the series, we've invited another crazy motherfunker from the other side of the ocean.
DJ Gene aka Gene 'G-Spot' Siewing besides being a crazy scratcher on the 1's & 2's and a brilliant radio show host for the "Liquid Love" show on Cashmere Radio, he's also a lifelong friend of our very own Delfonic and Oye Records. Gene presents a batch of classic disco Re-edits, plus a lovely spoken-word introduction by the man himself. Feeeeeeeeeeel his pleasure and never forget:
If we can dance together, we can live together. And don't let nobody tell you different.
DJ Gene aka Gene 'G-Spot' Siewing besides being a crazy scratcher on the 1's & 2's and a brilliant radio show host for the "Liquid Love" show on Cashmere Radio, he's also a lifelong friend of our very own Delfonic and Oye Records. Gene presents a batch of classic disco Re-edits, plus a lovely spoken-word introduction by the man himself. Feeeeeeeeeeel his pleasure and never forget:
If we can dance together, we can live together. And don't let nobody tell you different.
ニューアーチストDJ GENE。OYEEDITSの第1弾。アダルトなイントロダクションで幕開け、パーカッションやギター、ホーンセクション等々が暑くブローする炸裂のファンキーチューン Willie Bobo「Reason For Livin'」をビルドアップしたA2, プレビューでも話題になっているBOHANONネタの強力ファンク「2 Groove」(sample1),HERBIE HANCOCK のセクシー「Making Love」,FRANK HOOKER& POSITIVE PEOPLEネタの「Make Ya Feel Good」もグッドパーティーチューン! (サイトウ)