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Yossi Amoyal Presents Fluere Fatum

  • Cat No: SUSH55
  • updated:2021-05-26


12inch 2090 JPY

テルアヴィヴからUKに渡り<PARTIER>と<SUDSHITECH>レーベルを立ち上げ以降、ベルリン〜ヨーロッパのテクノシーンに貢献してきた敏腕A&RであるYOSSI AMOYALが仕掛ける、自身のレーベル20周年記念シリーズ「FLUERE FATUM」のコンピレーション12インチ。

<PLANK>のMATTHEW BENJAMIN a.k.a.BUSHWACKA!の相棒・LAYOと、元SHAMENのMR C.からなる90'sテクノユニット・KILLER LOOPの'96年シングルに収録されていた、JUAN ATKINSによるリミックス”Someone (Juan Atkins Remix)”(sample1)を、リマスターリングし再収録!"City Life"のヴォーカルでも知られるTERRY BROOKSが<DEEPART>からリリースした'02年シングルのタイトルトラック”Breaking Cycles”(sample2)に加え、ANFやNEW WORLD SCIENCE、JUMP SOURCEなどの活動でお馴染みのPRIORI、EDOUARD LEからなるモントリオールのデュオ・M.S.L.名義のアンリリースド”Limits Of Likeness”(sample3)も要チェック。

Fluere Fatum is the final, extended part of Yossi Amoyal's new compilation. The label turned 15 years old in 2020 and to celebrate this milestone Yossi has compiled Fluere across four discs (plus an extended Part V - Fatum). The compilation shares some of his story through the records that inspired him and continue to do so. The tracks mark more than two decades of buying records. Starting in a time when new music had to be actively sought out and ending with the abundance of new releases available online today. Fluere marks the end of a chapter and is a very personal collection featuring forgotten tracks remastered for today next to exclusive and unreleased music. As the name Fluere would suggest, the tracks it contains are the glue that hold a set together. They are special, hypnotic, mood setters from artists who specialise in subtlety, from Two Lone Swordsmen and Baby Ford to Steve O Sullivan and Mathew Jonson. Each part of the compilation tells its own story, both through the music on offer and with an exclusive insert written by Yossi himself. The tracks themselves represent over three decades of moving dance floors. Starting with Mark Broom's Gira first released in 1995 and right up to Brawther's Serpent, produced in 2020, Fluere creates its own unique journey through this period of dance music history.

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