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Total Blue

  • Cat No: MFM071
  • Release: 2024-07-19
  • updated:2025-01-20

L.A.のBenedekたちのトリオTotal Blue。〈Music From Memory〉からデビューアルバム。エキゾチック・アンビエント、ジョン・ハッセルの"第四世界"やECM、初期MONO FONTANAなどの流れも汲むようなミステリアスな世界観。素晴らしい音楽が産まれています。

10年以上に渡りコラボレートしてきたLos AngelsのNicky Benedekと、ピアニストのAnthony Calonico、BENEDEK作品はじめ、ALEX HOからJAMMA DEEまでエンジニア、プロデューサーとして携わってきたAlex Talanの3人によるプロジェクト。ジョン・ハッセルの"第4世界"につうじるような空想的な音の世界。アナログ再ストックしています。 (サイトウ)

Introducing ‘Total Blue’, the Los Angeles-based trio of Nicky Benedek, Alex Talan, and Anthony Calonico. Despite collaborating for over a decade, ‘Total Blue’ represents a new chapter in their artistic journey together as a trio.

Embracing chance, inviting the unknown, and guided by a spirit of sheer play and exploration, ‘Total Blue’ was driven by a desire to ‘touch the beyond’ in pursuit of an elusive vibe the three had been chasing for years.

Alex, Nick, and Anthony envision ‘Total Blue’ as the all-encompassing full picture, a place where the real and the imaginary begin to blur; a destination reached not through escapism but by expanding one's perspective; a widened scope of vision where personality both shines and disintegrates.

Across the album, their mission statement is expertly achieved with subtlety and delicate human touch; painting with a lush palette of digital synths, Akai EVI wind synthesizer, fretless bass, and guitar, the trio masterfully balance texture and color, evoking wide expansive vistas that stretch from Los Angeles right out to the furthest reaches of sky and sea. This is ‘Total Blue’ - a place of time and timelessness where echoes of history and tradition merge with rootless inhuman sonics.

Art and design by Michael Willis.

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